I really need to update this sucker. the tank is doing great. I of course have had the occasional setback, (power failures, C02 regulator died on vacation, etc.) The biggets setback was over labor day I tore the ligaments in my knee and so there was about a 3 week period where I couldn't even go down stairs to look at it. My wife fed the fish and that was it. I haven't done a thorough cleaning of it in 2 months. I have changed water once but the neglect is not good. It's on the upswing again and this weekend I plan on doing a massive cleaning.
Once done I'll get some pics and put them up! It's kinda weird Tonga live rock is not shipping anymore. I guess it's a rare commodity. If there is one thing I like about my tank it's the aquascaping. Sure I would tweak a few things here or there but overall I love it and it has been the same since day one.
I have never done the RDSB. Honestly I have the sand sitting in the garage and I just haven't needed to. I have zero nitrates and things look great so as long as that's the case I'm fine without it. My overflow is large and acts as a great refugium. There are so many pods there it's incredible.
I have turned the sump that was to be the RDSB into a seahorse tank. Very simply setup. a few pieces of live rock and a couple fake corals. I have had the seahorses for about 6 weeks now and they are awesome! Really glad I did it.