~450G Display (~1000G system) documentary starting

More like swallowed up by a job search! Luckily that is over so I'm out of excuses. I will take pictures this weekend and put them up for sure! I may end up moving back to Texas and having to break this bad boy down. I really hope not but it's a possibility.

It's been way to long. Tank is still doing pretty well. Not great but since I have been travelling like crazy to interviews and have been away more then home that is to be expected. I need to spend some serious time with it and do a lot of ater changing but overall no complaints.

Great thread. I just sat and read the entire thing in one sitting. Any update on the humidity concerns, and what was your final solution?

I am about to start a 300G DT build with a basement fish room, so I am reading up on the humidity control options.