470 Gallon Mixed Reef - nuxx Reef

what's the latest, how are the fish getting along and tank doing?

Everything and everyone is getting along great.

Only mishap I've had is with the Vibrant aquarium cleaner.

It ended up killing off all of my Chaeto, raising the nitrates (always 0) and also the phosphates (always 0).

I've stopped using it and am trying to get my Chaeto back up and running. Also so SPS has got a bit of RTN during the treatment... I think it'll all be OK though.
Sorry guys, I took the tank down about a year and a half ago, I'll get more into it soon.

I am thinking of starting a new tank though... probably a lot smaller...
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Back in April of 2017 I decided that I needed to take the tank down.

Nothing catastrophic happened, but there were some very troubling things starting to occur.

From the beginning of 2017 until that April I started losing a few fish each month. There was nothing obvious as to what was happening, just every once in a while I'd notice a dead fish.

Mostly it was smaller things like Anthias or Cardinals.

Since there was no obvious signs in the water chemistry or bite marks from something like the Triggers, I was just a little stumped.

First I started changing things like the having the house cleaners use vinegar instead of chemicals to clean the floors, installing charcoal filters on the skimmer, etc...

Nothing seemed to help and I kept finding dead fish.

Even large water changes didn't do anything...

My wife and I had a trip to Mexico coming up in April and a few days before the trip I decided to take the tank down. This was one of the hardest decisions I had made in my life.

I came to this decision solely based on the livestock I had in the tank...

The highlights were the following:
- Genicanthus personatus (Masked Angelfish)
- Bandit Angelfish
- Gem Tang
- Black Tang
- Black Tang Hybrid
- Achilles and Achilles Tang Hybrid living well together
- Crosshatch Trigger Pair

I would have basically felt like the worst person in the world if any of these fish passed away while we were out of town. So I got in touch with a friend of mine (who I ended up selling most of the fish to) to come over and help me pull the fish before the trip.

That's the story so far...
By the way...

Thinking of doing a mostly species specific tank going forward.

I'm leaning towards a Red Sea 4xx to 5xx model. I like the dimensions of the 450, but it looks like it's discontinued or will be soon.

If anyone has the ability to get any discounts on Red Sea tanks, please let me know. Needless to say my wife isn't too excited about me dipping my toes back into the hobby and any savings would help :spin3:

Thinking this time I'll focus mainly on a Bandit Angel since it was my favorite fish that I've kept. Another Gem Tang would be nice, but it would be way too large for that size tank. My Gem was the size of a small dinner plate and got there from 2" in about a year... I feel the Angel would be happy in the tank for years, especially if there are no other large fish present.

Will probably also do SPS dominate with no sand so I can turn up the flow.
BTW : These are the last videos I shot of the tank before taking it down...

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/189063864" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/161529139" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/188986630" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Wow, it really doesn't seem like that long ago you were adding more rock to the display... can't believe it's been down for a year and a half.

I assume that all the fish you removed at the end are still alive and well? If so, mission accomplished. Very odd that those deaths just keep rolling along with no apparent cause.

Looking forward to the Bandit tank. Sounds intriguing.
Wow, it really doesn't seem like that long ago you were adding more rock to the display... can't believe it's been down for a year and a half.

I assume that all the fish you removed at the end are still alive and well? If so, mission accomplished. Very odd that those deaths just keep rolling along with no apparent cause.

Looking forward to the Bandit tank. Sounds intriguing.

All fish were saved and are in new homes :)

Actually they all went to two local reef club members. Both are veterans with large and multiple tanks, so I wasn't worried about the fish after the fact.

Catching all the fish sure was an adventure. Took all day, I think the male Crosshatch ended up being the hardest to catch lol

I have pictures somewhere of the aftermath of the tank, it wasn't pretty.

Being removed from the situation, I feel that maybe a larger fish (Crosshatch, Tang?) was intimidating the smaller fish into death. I found one or two fish that had chewed tails, but I thought it was after the fact. I did see one Crosshatch swimming around with one in it's mouth, but it was already dead.

I witnessed two fish as they died, but they were just kinda floating at the bottom of the tank with their heads down kinda of barely moving up and down then died.

Everything in the tank was either treated with copper (fish) or held fishless for around 3 months (coral / inverts) before going into the tank. So I highly doubt it was any type of disease. Don't even get me started on how much coral I lost doing this... Also having an Achilles and Achilles Hybrid around the same size in the tank, who lived with each other but would chase each other a lot, pretty much ruled out not having ich in the tank :P

My wife actually thought the tank had been down for like 3 years haha, it's flown.

I'm not going to be nearly as crazy about disease in the next tank. Not keeping multiple tangs (none) should reduce the stress and also not have the "ich magnets" in the tank. Will probably just QT all new fish (shouldn't be many) and do normal dipping for coral and really inspect inverts.

With a smaller tank and much much less fish, if something does pop up, it won't be the end of the world to pull the fish and QT. Now doing this on the 470 with a lot of larger fish would have been a nightmare, just re-enforced by the day we pulled all the fish out of the tank.

I'm also really going to take my time. More than likely run the tank with rock only for a few months before introducing anything. Also try to have all my bases covered in terms of how the tank will mature and not just start throwing random things into the mix like I did trying to band-aid the 470 from time to time. I think I know what works and what doesn't at this point.

Anyway, not sure if anyone saw my post about tank dimensions to happily keep a bandit, but if you have any ideas, please let me know.

Kinda leaning to 72 by 2x by 2x".
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I see your Avatar has a Black Tang. Will you go back with another? Mine is a big puppy dog and real relaxed.
I see your Avatar has a Black Tang. Will you go back with another? Mine is a big puppy dog and real relaxed.

I was running the tank with two black tangs.

A very large Black Tang and a smaller Black Tang Hybrid.

The Black Tang was huge and laid back. The Black Tang Hybrid was extremely aggressive.

I'm not planning on running any tangs to be honest. If I ever did one again, I might do an Achilles... but I'd have to prove to myself the tank and aquascape was right for an active swimmer mid sized fish.

Even with exotic tangs like the Gem, Black, Black Hybrid and Achilles Hybrid in the tank, the plain old Achilles was my favorite tang.

I do very much so want a tank raised Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse or pair. They came out right after I got out of the hobby. I had tried to keep a few, but none ever made it through QT.
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A lots changed since my last post.

In late December / early January we decided that we were going to sell the house we've been in for the last 10 years.

We bought a 110 year old house (rare in our area) about 40 minutes West early last year and had started renovating it to be a short term rental. It's in the center of town about 2 blocks from the court house and restaurants / bars on a nice .5 acre corner lot.

We hadn't got too far with the reno since we bought another house to flip soon after, but did do a lot of demo and restored two rooms' original hardwoods that were hiding under 5 layers of flooring. We kind of started falling in love with the place.

Since we have a ton of equity in our current house and feel it's grown stale, we're just going to sell it and move the old house. Even with doing things like changing flooring, appliances, adding a pool etc... it's still just a normal big house in a suburban neighborhood.

Plans are still 100% on for the new tank, but it'll need to be in the old house... but we're going to do a pretty much gut renovation first. Fence (for our dogs), replacing the old garage with a large garage/shop/storage (can't park outside lol), all new windows, exterior paint, new kitchen, central air, sunroom to master bath conversion all need to be done first LOL

Looking forward to it :)


Beautiful floors man!!!



Will be a big change, but we're looking forward to it!

Seems houses are going for stupid numbers and extremely fast in our neighborhood.

There is a house that is a little smaller with no yard (basically the pool touches the back stairs and fence) that went to contract in a week at more than we were thinking to list at.

Shouldn't be too hard, but we'll miss it...

Hey everyone...

I'm kind of thinking of jumping back into the hobby again.

It's been a long few years, moving, remodeling two buidlings and starting a brewery.

Starting to think I'd want to start with something small.

Maybe an SPS tank with a tank bred Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse or two.

Anyone have a suggestion for a setup (tank / equipment / etc...) that would be almost all in one and needs to be able to run for a week or two or three pretty much on autopilot since we travel every few months???

Thanks :beer:
I was looking at an older post of yours, maybe back in 2014, mentioning Pimped Out Aquariums. That link is not correct, leading to an older overseas website, but more than that, it appears that Jeff Haddock in the DC area, passed away last year and Piped Out Aquariums is no longer around.
I've just returned to reefcentral after many years absence, wish I had started a brewery in between all those years!
I was looking at an older post of yours, maybe back in 2014, mentioning Pimped Out Aquariums. That link is not correct, leading to an older overseas website, but more than that, it appears that Jeff Haddock in the DC area, passed away last year and Piped Out Aquariums is no longer around.
I've just returned to reefcentral after many years absence, wish I had started a brewery in between all those years!

OMG that's terrible. I actually hosted that site for him :(

He was a really nice guy, I had no idea he passed...