480gl elos braceless earthquake trap

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11432870#post11432870 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tylorarm
I know, I know, too high and too symetrical. However, I can cut down the height easily enough if needed, i hope coral growth gives me that problem. I also plan to have less vertical corals on top and stags on middle rocks or lower, but we'll see how it evolves.
looks good to me... this will look killer when corals starts to take over the tank.. :)
I kind of pooched two closed loop returns being too viewable as i added length to aim flow (was having too much sand movement) and now too obvious, now i need some coral coverage. One thing i like is i can just pick a rock off the shelf. Makes pest (bubble algae for instance) cleaning and coral placement easy. In fact, i just moved several corals from one island to the other in about a minute. I also believe it's a solid set-up for a large anemone. I'd love to have a h. magnifica on top of one of the rock structures. Surrounded by sand with a top under the lights. Also overflows and closed loop intakes are amemone safe. Just have to give tank more time to mature before i try a clown hosting amem.
Absolutely stunning. I love the two islands with so much room for fish to swim. This tank has TOTM written all over it.
Thanks, gonna take a long time as only using frags from other tanks but makes me feel better morally that way and probably works out best for the tank in long run. Frags sure do look tiny in big tank though.
I know what you mean with the little frags in the big tank. I'm about 1 year ahead of you in that respect.

I would recommend that you pickup some digitata frags. They grow very quickly, so you get a more mature look - faster. Once the Acros start to catch up, you can frag the digitatas down or remove/sell them.
Looks really nice, I'm tagging along. The frags will grow out soon enough ;)

Have you considered adding a removable black panel to the back wall? This would really make the colors and shapes of the rock structures and corals pop out IMO.
I really haven't thought about a back panel, as i view through the back panel quite often. When the curtains are closed it gives a bit of that look but no quite as good. It doesn't really look like it from the pics but there's 4ft to the window so I love to go over there and view the opposite side. That's part of the point of the islands to begin with was 4 side viewable. Tought to take pics of the opp side though as 4ft is still tough to get FTS of a 7ft long tank.
I might give it a try as removable if easy. Couldn't leave it there for long though as would also cut off light to the room.
I didn't realize the back was viewable too. Thats cool.

It would be very easy to do. Just buy a very thin black pvc sheet, and a few packages of high-energy self adhesive (ie peel n' stick) magnets. Stick magnets onto your tank behind the overflow (so they arent visible), and stick magnets on the pvc sheet. Then you can easily remove the back panel for back viewing and put it back for front-side viewing. Magnets can be found here (make sure to get the big "high-energy" ones): http://www.allmagnetics.com/craft/highenergy.htm
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12897251#post12897251 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jim_S
tylorarm, what type of tangs are those? Is one of those a bariene?

Ditto. What tang is the one with the orange fin - 3rd fish from the right, along your sandbed?