480gl elos braceless earthquake trap

WOW love to see those rimless big tanks, and 4 views, great challenge with the aquscape, Do you have more pictures of the set up of your skimmer, i had the same model and i want it to have gravity feed, and How much waterflow by the skimmer you have?, sems to be working great

Tanks:eek2: :eek2:

sorry for my english
Awesome build and tank!!!

Curious how the light coverage is with one fixture? My new tank is 44" front to back, and I thought I would need two fixtures for sure to get proper intensity. Do you plan on having real low-light corals towards the front and back of the tank, or no coral to keep rockwork "open"? I just see you having a hard time with SPS towards the front and back of a tank with that depth with one fixture.
Ok, update a coming. First, i made a big error in adding a small Clarion Angel to my main display after only 5 days or so in QT and despite having 2 QT tanks set up. I bought 4 with 3 earmarked for donation to Steinhart and panicked with the little guy was getting attacked by the bigger Clarions. He turned out to have ich and velvet, and infected my tank. A guy that has helped me at times catch all the fish and put them in hospital tank, where they were all poisoned by adding Amquel and and cupramine, which are deadly in combination. All my long-held fish dead except two. I started restocking shortly thereafter, this was in February.
Current fish; bimaculatus anthias, fowleri tang, dussemier tang, tennati tang, gold spot rabbit, arabian dottyback (gone if i can catch him), yellow wrasse, mystery wrasse, checkerboard wrasse, mandarin, flame hawk, some cleaner and peppermint shrimp.

QT; male and female bartletts and male bimac anthias

Refugium; three very small perc clowns (who will join main display as soon as i catch arabian dottyback who wants them dead) and lined blennie (was bad boy, eats sps)
I'll try and get some pics more pics soon as more fun than word updates.

As far as other thoughts; tank stays much cooler than expected, and I've yet to use chiller. I have only used fans on main tank a couple times when house temp > 80 degrees. I think biggest thing i didn't count on was cooling from 50' run from tank to sump through crawl space. I laid flex pvc on ground and it seems to cool things a lot. I'm allowing more variance in temp (from 77 to 81 degrees) than i have in past, way less energy consumed.

Humidity has not been a problem in house (bigger surface area than previous tank but less heat and no fans) and fish room is sealed off.

Refugium; i'm trying to grow ulva and slowly losing the battle
I'm only buying frags and started fresh with SPS so not much to see here. Zoas and goni from old tank doing very well.