5.5g AGA Nano-Reef In tank ( Sump / Fuge ) + ( Hood / Light ) Upgrade Journal

Since you know how to use the net method for attaching xenia have you thought about propagating more from that one piece? I have done it many times and it is a piece of cake. You can then trade them for other corals. I gotta admit I was a little nervous about taking scissors to my xenia, but after the initial shock, I was clipping xenia a few times a month.
Day After the Movie... the "mobile" reef tank!

Day After the Movie... the "mobile" reef tank!

oddiseus - Ohhhh yes.... my xenia is growing so fast I have to propagate it or it will overrun my tank... I think im going to post on craigslist so I can sell/trade it ... unfortunatly i have such a small tank I can only trade so much... I'm also thinking of selling my hammer/frogspawn coral because I feel as if it just doesn't fit in my tank although I love it...

Lpabsolute - I currently have 76 watts of 50/50 power compact lighting... it is comprised of 2 x 18w coralife 50/50 bulbs... and 2 x 20w coralife 50/50 screw in bulbs (self ballasted) sometimes i think the lighting is too strong over such a little tank.... my mushroom has to be kept in the shade - although everything is growing and multiplying pretty fast :rollface: I'm pretty sure I posted pics of my hood in the past few pages but if you need more let me know!

Update: Day After the move... tank looks great - everything is nice and lush what a surpise! 5.5G NANO REEF - the "mobile" reef hahahaahah
Pod Wars!

Pod Wars!

Well... its pretty late and I coulnd't sleep... so I decided to spy on my tank with a flashlight...

There are sooo many pods its rediculous... now i know why my fish is FAT and my shrimp goes nuts at night. I don't feed my fish all that often because I was pretty sure he snacks on pods day/night. I even catch him eating pieces of cheato that make it into my display. When i turn my lights off the pods move from the cheato chamber, or pod factory, into the display. Some of them are HUGE, i can't believe they got that big! I can see tons of them swimming around like crazy, they almost look like tiny tiny tiny fish. If i put the flashlight up to the tank they all swim to it like flies to one of those fly-zapper-lights. Anywho... my coral-banded goes nuts trying to catch all the swimming pods, its quite entertaining to watch - now I most definitly need to get some moon lighting! I also found my tiny tiny reef star which I haven't seen in the longest time... I believe it multiplied because I spotted an identical one on the same piece of rock! Pictures to come tommorow... g'nite!
Very Nice tank i have just spent time reading through everything i learnt alot from your hood creation. I will be seting up a 12 gal aqua when I go to college and will have to move it home in the spring. Glad to hear that your move was a death-free adventure. Keep the tank looking nice.


The reason i used 2 GLASS baffles behind the acrylic is because glass silicones to glass extremely well, the bond is very strong.... glass siliconed to acrylic on the otherhand is not as good, you really have to rough up the acrylic where its going to be siliconed to the glass and pray that it holds together and use a generous amount of silicone. I would have used a piece of smoked glass for the rear false-wall instead of acrylic but I have no way to create notches for the overflow and a hole for the return... it would have been a much more solid construction right now my false wall is coming away from the baffles a little bit but its no big deal it'll be fine.... besides im going to be re-building the tank soon with a different baffle arrangement in the rear chamber... sometimes my cheato likes to hop out of its chamber and i need to design a better way for the water to pass through the filter pad/carbon chamber i made it wayyy to big


Longgg time since my last update! Sorry bout that... life has just gotten absolutly crazy and out of control... but hey my reef tank has matured nicely! Everything is doing absolutly fantastic everything is still alive and flourishing and I do matainence on it when i feel like it... its just one stable little happy tank! Only new addition is an emerald crab... yes i know they are supposedly evil but mine is awesome and i have had no problems with him... my tank is pretty well stocked right now and it keeps me sane when i come home at night and fall asleep staring at its glowing beauty on my night stand. I will post some more pictures when I get a chance... as I said life has been happening! Any questions feel free to ask =)


No one loves my little reef anymore :( probably because I stopped posting pics... does anyone want to see how my tank is doing? If so I will find some time to stage a photo shoot... let me know!
I'd like to see some updated pics... I am thinking of building a similar style tank w/ one of the many 10 gallon tanks i have around the house... but I also want to include a protein skimmer in there too... we'll see how it goes...!!!

how often do you do water changes, since you dont have a skimmer..??

I do water changes about once a week give or take a few days on either end... everything always seems happy... i would take a look at the tunze nano doc skimmer for your 10 and i would change the way you do returns on that tank too if you want more info ask me about it via aim: nyprodj


Good news! I have fixed a problem that I have been having with the filtration on my tank... the pump kept getting clogged up and the water pouring from the first chamber to the second wasn't passing through any filter medium. The solution? Well first I took my pump out and gave it a cleaning... and pulled out the little yellow piece of plastic that you slide up and down to regulate the speed of the flow through the pump. This increased the flow of the pump significantly, my tank is like a whirldwind of flow and everything seems to be loving it so far, including Spurty who sometimes swims in the direct flow of the output with a smile on (uhh yeah). Anywho, before I put the pump back in I wrapped it with a piece of a bonded filter pad and rubberbanded it in place. The filter pad is covered in crap but the flow hasn't been restricted! Score one for filtration. The second problem I fixed by cutting a nice strip of the bonded filterpad, and instead of wedging it under water in the second chamber I wedged it about water right where the waterfall from the first to second chamber is created. My water is nice and clear now and my flow is amazing. My tank must have some insane turnover rate!!! Now onto solving my next problem, coraline algae is starting to take over the tank and must be removed from the front and sides so I can see the inhabitants of my tank again... any recommendations as of how to do that? I was thinking of attaching a razorblade to a stick or something...


I have finally got some time to take/post some pics... I need to get this coraline gone so I can take FTS and what not... I wont take them because its too ugly right now hehe... now without further ado:

*** is THIS!???????????????
<img src="http://www.171northallen.com/images/reef/starfish.jpg">

2 (STARFISH/NUDIBRANCH/??????) Can you spot them both?
<img src="http://www.171northallen.com/images/reef/2star.jpg">

<img src="http://www.171northallen.com/images/reef/pretty.jpg">

More Pretty
<img src="http://www.171northallen.com/images/reef/yellowbut.jpg">

:confused: :confused: :confused:
nice to see youa re still alive :)

nice to see youa re still alive :)

tank looks great...you will be glad to know i am almost done stealing your design...a couple questions though:
1.) what size bulkhead?
2.) what size powerhead/which one should i get?
3.)Any other advise before i finish up?

and nice pics!!!
I forgot the bad news!

My tank is doing great now and pics will be up after the move. But after a heat wave we had 2 weeks ago where the air conditioner in my house blew up and my tank hit 98*, I lost 99% of the xenia (1% survived and is already growing back) my hammer spawn is gone, my coral banded kicked it as did my emerald crab :( on the other hand my fish seemed to enjoy the hot hot heat and the zoanthids didn't seem phased either. My feather duster looked like it was dead, it completely came out of its tube and was all shrivled and looked dead but it is INVINCIBLE and it had come back to life. I still have plenty of pods and other mini creatures including my mini starfish... so all is well off to the store to find a new shrimp!