5 lb Lobster caught off Miami Beach


New member
I caught this guy yesterday off Miami Beach. Weighted almost 5 lbs. I just have to post this picture and brag. And they say there are no big lobsters left.
That's a nice bug!
There has been alot of people promoting throwing back bugs of 5lbs or greater as they are considered to be the best breeder size.
Part of me wants to do that, but since the biggest I've caught is about 3lbs I still wish to catch that one big bug.
I see 3 pairs of feet, one photographer, and 29 bugs.
You're one over dude, you are busted!
Nice haul, especially the 2 next to the can.
And FPPF is correct, Ghee, not butter.
Ahh...but slipper lobsters (the ones in front) don't count towards the 6 per person, per day... :D There are 24 spinies there, for 4 guys...I was one of the 4, that's how i know!
yep only 6 per. except for sport season where we get 12 per.
there are 4 main species over here as well

smooth tail
Wow, 12 during sport?
Our season is only october through march, 7 bugs each
Rest of the year, nada, unless you don't mind the risk of paying $500 per bug, losing your gear, and not even keeping those bugs.
I'm going to have to check out FL.
You catching those day or night?
Sport season we are in the water at 12 mindnight, opening of main we are in the water at 12 midnight
other times it's during the day. the bugs are more active during the night, but so are large toothy critters.
most of those bugs are caught in 80-100 feet of water.

They take illegal lobsters very seriously. it's a felony and they can take you boat gear and truck and then you go to jail.
Yeah, same here, not worth it.
You guys are goin deep for bugs, no wonder not many are catchin the big ones.
We're spoiled here, the last night dive I got my legal limit within 10 minutes in about 25' of water.
My secret spot is chock full of em right now.
OK, now I'm getting hungry!
yummy! Nice haul! When I have my nerve up there are some shallow spots I will do at night but I am a chicken when it comes to that. I think knowing how many bull sharks there are down there kinda ruins it for me. Plus I hear snorkling at night is about 100X as dangerous as diving when it comes to becoming the prey.

My favorite is a rusted out fridge in about 8' of water right off rt 1 in the keys. Yep, the fridge is full and day or night, all you have to do is open the door and clean it out.
first night of sport season we dive shallow, it's the second day we get to go out deep. there's alot of pressure, on bugs in FL. We do about 20 dives pre season scouting out the lobsters.

Diving at night is kinda freaky, I love to spear fish, but the one and only thing i won't do in the water is spear fish in the dark. Did it once and i thought my number had been pulled.
a lot of guys down there are nuts man. I mean bugs are great eating and all but kinda crazy to risk life and limb for a meal....didnt we move out of the caves for a reason? LOL!
I admit, it's always a little trippy when you first hit the water, but you forget about that as soon as you see your first bug, then the "fever" takes over.
For me, it's more than catching a meal, it's really beautiful at night, and you see things you don't see in the day.
Of course it's less toothy around here!