5 year old Greenhouse Update

The GH is amazing, excellent work Than!

I have a question forgive me if i missed this somewhere in the thread but how in the world do you get good internal flow in those giant round tanks? I didn't see any power heads in the videos.

Is it huge return pump/s giving all the flow or did I miss something. I know you ditched the reverse Carlson setup so what did you switch too?

Keep up the awesome work can't wait to see another video :)
We don't get a ton of flow for the most part. Right now, the flow is created just by return pumps, and even then they are not that big. The largest are probably Mag 24's or our Iwaki 70. Having said that, we just installed a Mag 9.5 to a 3/4" sea swirl with an eductor to get 4x the flow into one of our 240-gallon SPS tanks, and that moves a ton of water. I'll probably be doing a video of that soon.

Speaking of videos, I will try and post what I can, but some of my videos have too much "company" stuff in it, so I kind of have to pick and choose. We have a youtube channel though if you want to subscribe and keep up to date on all the random stuff we do. It can be found at www.youtube.com/tidalgardens. I try hard to get a video out every two weeks or so. Ideally, it would be every week, but that sometimes gets derailed.
Scratch that - after rewatching the video, I had it confused with another greenhouse. Definitely not air lifters. He does seem to make use of cascades in places to reduce needed flow.
A long time ago, I did use air lifts. The reason I went away from them was because they tended to lower temps by about 2-degrees in the winter, and increase them by about 2-degrees in the summer. Both are really bad for me.

The reverse carlson was also a cool air-driven surge, but I was having issues with it's buoyancy. You have to really weigh it down or else it can possibly float away once it is full of air.
Ok now I see. I didn't see any ph's on the underwater cam or anything so I was wondering.

Keep up the awesome work!

I'm subscribing to the YouTube channel for sure!
I checked out the website. I'm confused as to what is aquacultured and what is being bought in and sold like a traditional store. Are they labeled and I am missing it?
Made a tweak to one of our tank systems. Here is the video:

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You are in need of a bump Sir.
We are in need of some updates if you please.
Just an IPhone tour would suffice.
I know. please show us your favorite fish that you keep in your various holding tanks. Both for pest removal as well as aesthetic appeal.
Daniel. :wavehand:
Thanks! I don't post much about it because Tidal Gardens is a pretty well-established business and most posts I would make at this point would be pretty close to business promotion.