50 Cube SPS Zeo Reef

Glad to hear you had one of those 'sh*t! This hobby is so damn cool' moments..
If you stop having those, it's kind of like when an ailing fish stops eating..
Good to see you're still a fiesty, hungry (and fashionably wildly bearded) fish, Dom! :)
sure you can!! ;)
It'll be gone in two months regardless haha

Great looking zoanthids! Looking forward to seeing the acros do their thing as well.
Thanks mate :) Me too, I'm hoping to get some much better growth when the tank is finally with me!

Glad to hear you had one of those 'sh*t! This hobby is so damn cool' moments..
If you stop having those, it's kind of like when an ailing fish stops eating..
Good to see you're still a fiesty, hungry (and fashionably wildly bearded) fish, Dom! :)
So am I, I think it's something that I've needed to have for quite some time. Between everything that's been happening and simply just seeing the tank to deal with the algae and no real other purpose, to be able to just sit and enjoy the tank for no other reason than I can it's just brought back a lot of things I've been missing :)
That's probably the strangest description I've ever heard about myself :lolspin: I love it!
Well I've now had the little copperband a month and he's getting fatter each passing day! :) I was home yesterday for most the day and decent to pump a bit of food into the tank lol and well, to my pleasant surprise, he is actually now eating lobster eggs! That's another step down towards getting him to eat pellets and flake which he still shows interest in :) Either way, still over the moon with this little guy :D

I have to say this is the most unusual friendship I've come across too lol A possum wrasse and a tang ten times his size lol they definitely enjoying swimming around together :)
that´s a nice picture!

how do you like the wrasse? behavior?
I love the little guy, they've always been a favourite of mine. In terms of behavior, they're very shy. He hides a lot and doesn't usually stray far from the rocks but with the Kole tang now becoming his buddy, I see him out in the open frequently :) They're very very docile fish and I can't imagine him hurting anything but pods lol I want to get him a female :)

Very cool indeed, I love the possum wrasses, they are too cool :)
I was super lucky getting this little one as they don't come up often at all! Definitely a very cool fish thanks Perry :)

Wonderfull fish!!!

Cheers Stef :thumbsup:

Love the pic of the wrasse and Kole ... even better is the fact your copperband is doing well!
It was pretty lucky timing lol and yeah, I'm over the moon the little guy is doing so well! Couldn't have asked for a better fish haha
I love the little guy, they've always been a favourite of mine. In terms of behavior, they're very shy. He hides a lot and doesn't usually stray far from the rocks but with the Kole tang now becoming his buddy, I see him out in the open frequently :) They're very very docile fish and I can't imagine him hurting anything but pods lol I want to get him a female :)
yeah a female would be nice :thumbsup:
good to hear. i myself am a big fan of wrasse, but mostly out of the Macropharyngodon and Cirrhilabrus group but yours has always been on my list
No crap Dom, I think you're tank is in my head, I can swear I saw a possum wrasse in my dream last night, but it was in my tank....hmmmm..... Man if running bb was not going so well, I would lay down a sandbed and add some wrasses, I love them!!!
yeah a female would be nice :thumbsup:
good to hear. i myself am a big fan of wrasse, but mostly out of the Macropharyngodon and Cirrhilabrus group but yours has always been on my list
I'm am a huge fan of macropharyngodon too! Leopards are some of my favourites :D but getting a girlfriend for this little guy would be pretty cool :)

No crap Dom, I think you're tank is in my head, I can swear I saw a possum wrasse in my dream last night, but it was in my tank....hmmmm..... Man if running bb was not going so well, I would lay down a sandbed and add some wrasses, I love them!!!
yeah that´s the big down part on bb... no wrasse... :(
hahaha Perry, get some more pretty anthias to make up for the lack of wrasse! Or do what I've done lol and have a sandbed in the back half of the tank for your wrasse :p
That CBB is so cute OMG. :wildone:

I like the odd friendship too, I would be afraid that introducing a female might ruin it though. Maybe not, just a thought!
Dom I am jealous of this pic

until i see this pic

then I realize nothing is worth being a fanta pants not even a acro that nice...NOTHING
That CBB is so cute OMG. :wildone:

I like the odd friendship too, I would be afraid that introducing a female might ruin it though. Maybe not, just a thought!
haha definitely true! :)

I would be hesitant as well but if I were to go down that path she'd be getting a few weeks in an acclimatisation box to make sure! :)

Dom I am jealous of this pic

until i see this pic

then I realize nothing is worth being a fanta pants not even a acro that nice...NOTHING
Aside from nearly wetting myself over this post :wildone: :lolspin: my missus hadn't heard fanta pants before. I don't know what confused her more, my laughter or fanta pants :lolspin: hahahaha

Always better to be 2 to look the road :)

I don't know how much good he'd be at traffic avoidance though :rolleyes: haha
In other big news having a fish tank in the apartment has now been officially approved :D :D
I'm off to buy rock tomorrow morning!! Exciting times!!