50 Cube SPS Zeo Reef

Jaja just keep hitting the little Austrian :D
I blame it all on the computer!!
Not my fault it didn't show me the pictures

And Dom:
There is nothing missing in Austrian :D
Just fine ^^

haha I have to pick on someone occasionally to make up for the torment I get being redheaded :lol: You're alright I suppose ;) lol
that´s my plan for my children someday!

good job mum biggles!!!

I actually burst into flames a number of times during my childhood Flo, there is a price to pay for cutting edge pyrotechnic experimentation but it was one i was prepared to pay..........:beer:
I actually burst into flames a number of times during my childhood Flo, there is a price to pay for cutting edge pyrotechnic experimentation but it was one i was prepared to pay..........:beer:

good to know, i was just born evil according to my teacher.
i can live with that! ;)
Get lots of cardinals like me Dom, they make taking dusk porn pics a breeze.........:blown:

In other big news having a fish tank in the apartment has now been officially approved :D :D
I'm off to buy rock tomorrow morning!! Exciting times!!

Just caught up on the thread and wanted to say congrats! I'm sure your new build is going to be sweet! PICS ASAP:thumbsup:
The pain of having no soul :D

It's fine. I was called the antichrist by my religion teacher :D

This incorrect although a common misconception.

Gingers/Red Heads actually do have souls. They receive a freckle for every 10 souls they collect. It's actually a way of keeping score.
Get lots of cardinals like me Dom, they make taking dusk porn pics a breeze.........:blown:

haha real easy! I just don't want any duds though :lol2: I'm thinking a few of them would mix nicely with 5 lori anthias! Making for a decent bit of movement :)

Can't wait to see what magic you'll do with the rock mate:)
Low with a few different islands and somewhere to fit my clams haha. Plenty of swimming space for the fish and lots of grow out room for the acro's! lol

Agree, serenity reef rocks gave me brain damage.
Going to be interesting to see how you cope with this challenge.
Definitely a challenge lol I'm hoping the fact that I'll have a few weeks to play around with it with no fish or acros should turn into something nice :) I'm going to start of minimal and add slowly once the acro's are coming back in!

Just caught up on the thread and wanted to say congrats! I'm sure your new build is going to be sweet! PICS ASAP:thumbsup:
Cheers Nick :beer: I'm hoping it turns out nice lol I'll be doing an update once it's settled and neat!

This incorrect although a common misconception.

Gingers/Red Heads actually do have souls. They receive a freckle for every 10 souls they collect. It's actually a way of keeping score.
hahaha :lmao: some people know the real dark truth of the matter! :thumbsup:
Well a few more things are sorted for tank :) I got home and did a 100% water change on the rock so it's back in fresh RO with plenty of circulation. I also stopped by Deer Park to pick up a few items;
- New bucket of RS salt from a mate.
- Continuum CaptivPhos to treat the rock once it's in the tank, it also contains Al2O3 to also absorb the silicates that will leach from the rock.
- Due to the rock also being completely dead, I've picked up a bottle of Dr. Tim's bacteria to seed the tank with a decent source of bacteria :) I got a bottle large enough to "instant cycle" the tank lol but that's not what's going to happen! Once that's in I'll be adding a prawn for an ammonia source for the bacteria to feed on and watch the levels from there and once things settle then the first fish will be going across :)
- Tank spot is clean and I have commandeered a shelf in one of the cupboards so I'm ready to get rocking lol

I still need to pick up some plumbing, a few bits and bobs and sort out a sump but everything else will simply be coming across :) The skimmer, lights, return, heaters and whatever will come across after a good soak in vinegar and some hydrogen peroxide to sterilize anything lol.

As I have nothing to show at the moment please enjoy a picture of towels and the supplements lol
wow Dom towels are looking good!

great colors and fabric extentions :D

one day i wish i can keep towels like you do ^^
Thanks Flo :beer: I'm super happy with how my reds are going but I feel that my blues and pinks are a little washed out :lolspin::lolspin: