50 Gallon Soft Coral Tank


New member

The tank is 36x18x18 with a low iron front panel. It uses and Elos Planet II with 2x 150w Radium 20k halides and 4 x 39w T5 bulbs. I have KZ Revolution S skimmer and a Zeolite filter for filtration. Vertex Libra Doser for elements, and 1/2 HP chiller keeping the tank at 72-74 Degrees for the subtropical Japanese Fish.






Obligatory 'Under the Hood' pic.

Here is the fish list...

- Burgess Butterfly
- Flame Angel Pair (spawning every dusk... I have a few ideas to isolate them into a new tank for some experiments...)
- Percula Clown Pair (Spawns every few weeks)
- Sixline Wrasse Pair (No visible spawning but they never leave each other's side)
- Radiant Wrasse
- Peppermint Hog
- Leopard Wrasse
- Japanese Plesiops (plesiops oxycephalus) (attempted to pair this fish, but the female disappeared)
- Japanese Girdled Goby (Istigobius ornatus)

I plan to add a few more butterflies to the mix. I introduced a Heniochus chrysostomus after a lengthy QT. It ate great but just randomly passed away out of the blue. Pretty common for the species.
:) You'll need to upload your pictures to a different photo host. Then you should be good to go. We had to block that site due to the manner in which they use and recycle URLs - pictures of an adult nature kept appearing on here.
Very nice! :)

What is that yellow & pink coral in the second picture above? Lamnalia? Has this been relatively easy to keep or somewhat temperamental?
Very nice! :)

What is that yellow & pink coral in the second picture above? Lamnalia? Has this been relatively easy to keep or somewhat temperamental?

Yes its a Lemnalia. It seems to need strong flow to help it inflate properly.

The tank used to be SPS dominated but a sudden drop in PO4 (I used GFO with the zeolite, dropped nutrients too quick) caused rapid tissue death, so I removed them before they were all lost. I decided to do something different with the tank. Less reef safe fish and fast growing softies.

Here it was back about 9 months ago

yessss....I love a well keep sofite tank! doing one right now And all these pics keep poping up ...haha great job sir!!
can you give us tank info. feeding schedule lighting etc.
yessss....I love a well keep sofite tank! doing one right now And all these pics keep poping up ...haha great job sir!!
can you give us tank info. feeding schedule lighting etc.

I feed live phytoplankton, selco, mysis, LRS food, KZ Coral Vitalizer, and KZ sponge power usually everyday. I skip feedings as time dictates. I mix it all together and leave the skimmer off usually for the next 12 hours.

I add the following for upkeep.

- Tropic Marin Balling Additives A,B,C fed on a Vertex Libra Dosing Pump
- KZ Zeostart .2mL daily, 500mL of Zeolite stones in a reactor. The tank is on the Zeovit System and has been for over 3 years.
- Coral Snow and Zeobak usually 3 times a week.
- I change 10-15 gallons once or twice a month with natural sea water.

The T5's (3 x ATI Blue+ and 1x ATI Coral +) are on for 10 hours a day and the halides (Radium 20k) are on for about 3 hours a day.
Very cool tank. I'd love to get a Burgess butterfly, but I enjoy my LPS too much. :)

The poor man's Declivis, and really poor man's Tink.

I will say this, in a small tank (50 gallons) with just one daily feeding, he has been nothing but a model citizen, not one polyp nipped. The flame angels are coral death dealers and really are the reason I stopped keeping SPS corals.

If you can get your hands on a healthy specimen i'd definitely gamble with one in any reef tank.
Milky post water change/coral snow picture :D



I should reeeeeally scrape this coraline


My water change assistant


The Goby
