50 Gallon Stocking Help


New member
Hey guys, I am new to the saltwater world and I have had a fluval 13.5 gallon for about 6 months and it has been pretty successful. As of now I just have 1 davinci oscellaris clownfish, 1 neon goby, 1 clown goby, a cleaner shrimp, 3 bumblebee snails, 1 nassarius snail, 1 astrea snail, and 3 hermit crabs. The corals I have are a rock of gsp, a rock of pulsating xenia, 2 hammers, 1 duncan, and 1 zoa colony. I am planning on getting a 55 gallon setup this weekend and slowly start setting it up to transfer what I have in this tank to the bigger tank. I plan on getting a lot more rock and coral (mainly just hammers, zoas and some other soft corals like toadstools, etc.) for the bigger tank and I need help choosing what other fish I can add. Of course I will add invertebrates. What fish could I add, they have to get along with the fish I currently have right now and not harm my corals. Ideally I'd like to add around 5-7 of the fish in my list to thank tank along with the other 3 (I will put a mangrove and a piece of macroalgae in the tank to help with nutrient export if that even helps).

Fish that will be in my 50 gallon already:

1 Davinci Clownfish
1 Green Clown Goby
1 Neon Blue Goby

These are some options I have (Help me choose 5-7 fish from here for my 50 gallon):

Flameback angelfish

Royal Gramma

Fairy Wrasse/Melanurus Wrasse/Yellow Wrasse/Flasher Wrasse

Hector's Goby/Court Jester Goby

Canary Blenny

Madagascar Spotted Croucher Goby

Shrimp Goby with Pistol Shrimp Pair

An urchin

Porcelain Crab

Sand sifting sea star

Trochus snails
