Well, it was a busy day here. I'm just winding down. I got up early this morning and went to look at the 300 gallon stock tank, where all of my live rock & fish were and I seen a good size puddle on the ground by the tank. Every now & again my Sohal would get unruly and give me a good splash with his tail. I dried it up and it still was puddling up, no Sohal in sight. The water level in the tank was down about 1/2". :eek2:
I knew what I had to do. Even though I was not really ready to swap everything over, my stock tank told me otherwise. I started the swap at 5am and by about 2pm I had everything in the new home. I had to build a stand for the skimmer, mount some lights, and reprogram my apex. I still have alot to do, which was why I was planning the changeover this Saturday. I'll post up some shots tomorrow (oh, later today). I'm beat & ready to get some sleep.