500 gallon project photos

Yep, filled to the brim. Water has been in since Sunday/Monday, rock on Tuesday night and fish as of today. I still have to make the canopy so no lights yet (and no corals). I'll post some pics tomorrow. ;)
Here are a few photos of the tank in place, complete with temporary plumbing and a couple pc fixtures laying on top. Starting the canopy today.








Looks great so far.
I'm in the planning stages of a 300g or 375g. The difference would be the height being either 24" or 30". I would rather go 30" on the height but am afraid of having to stick half my body into the tank to get to the bottom. Have you had this problem or is 30" not an issue.
I'm a pretty big fan of a 30" deep tank. My last tank was a 30"er and I loved it. I can reach the bottom but I have relatively long arms. If I'm going to spend a long time in the tank, I just wear a sleeveless shirt and it's not a big deal. I also use aqua tongs if I'm just moving a few items. To me, the extra 6" in height makes a significant visual impact vs. a 24" deep tank, and is well worth the extra effort, if there is any. Just my .02
slave-of-rock said:
little jumpy with the sumbmit reply?
little jumpy with the sumbmit reply?
little jumpy with the sumbmit reply?

You misspelled "submit" not once, but three times.

I'm not sure who is more of a fool here. :lol:
I think I missed seeing your tank by a day or two. That weekend (13th - 14th), I was up at Envision Acrylics picking up my own 325 gallon tank.

James does awesome work, doesn't he? :)