You are right. I was incorrect in saying that the tuxedos dont go after coralline... they do, but they dont seem as interested in it as other species (diadema mostly). The ones I had never seemed interested in the stuff as long as plenty of other algaes were around. I remember when I introduced a diadema to the 20g fuge... whoah... the coralline was like peanut-butter to that thing, but it seemed like thetuxedos didnt bother as much as long as there was other, softer stuff to munch on.
Im checking with Shimek on the 'teeth/acrylic' thing.
You are right on the sea-hares. They arent long lived, but I do like them anyways, esp when setting up a tank, because they are like little lawn mowers for when you have an algae outbreak. Then they die as the algae dies back... but its kind of a 'one shot' thing. I just mentioned them because you mention you are having some algae problems... and they are cheap enough for what they do.
Lol... emeralds snipping off tips of SPS... I forgot that one. Esp in such a large tank, you would end up with some monster size ones. I had one that used to eat grape caulerpa (the bug variety) by the bushel. It would break off a whole stalk of grapes at a time and feed it into its face like a wood chipper. After it was done clearing the whole tank of caulerpa, my acros started losing polyps. Luckily it died soon after this started.
Astraes are a PITA when they fall off rocks. One of my daily chores is to check the sand to see if there are any I have to flip over... but for the most part, they stay attached to the rocks/glass that they are on. The only times that they werent as good at this is when a crab came after them and would tear them off a rock or something... causing them to fall. If there is no reason for them to fall... they seem to do fine. Besides, they are cheap and can live pretty long. But, FWIW, if they just dont do it for ya, there are those nice little nerite snails... I just cant stand too many mexican turbos though... they get too big and knock everyting around.