Sparkss and MaxII,
Sorry for the hijack and ignorance. What is AEFW and what is your quarentine procedure?
Mr Crab,
AEFW's = Acro Eating FlatWorms = pestilence from hell.
They are a species (as of yet unidentified to my knowledge) of clear or transparent tan flatworm that feeds exclusively on the flesh of acropora corals. They dont touch montiporas, stylophora's etc....nothing but acros. And they make redbugs very easy to deal with by comparison.
There are several threads about them in the SPS forum, very informative with lots of detailed pics to help you determine if you have them or not.
They are very difficult to erradicate becuase they hang on to the coral and the treatements that are effective at killing them, are also stressful on the coral. Iodine is effective at killing some of them, but does not touch the eggs. When the eggs hatch, the new flatworms are microscopic, and alledgedly capable of breeding.....
The most effective treatment I'm aware of is Levamasole in a QT tank. From what I gather, coral losses with Levamasole are in the 20% range...meaning you can expect to lose 20% of your corals to the treatment.
Iodine dips also work, but the successive (every week) dip of iodine will seriously stress out your corals as well...mortality this way is also significant.
Bottom line, treat with your poison of choice, every week for about a month. Keep the acros separate during the QT period, and place the surviving corals in the tank.
I cannot begin to describe how frustrating it is to loose an entire tank of acros to a tiny parasite. Like Sparkss, all of my future acros will be QT'd and treated before going into my tank. I even contemplated no longer keeping acros because of these critters.