54 Gallon Corner Build with sump


New member
So I am new to the forum I am Cameron I have just about 20 years of experience in the Hobby (mostly freshwater African/south American cichlid tanks) However about 3 years ago I got into the salt water world and have been learning a lot I started with a 14 gallon Nano that taught me a lot of hard lessons. I am currently running a 55g with a 40 gallon sump that has been up and running for about 1 year now. I don't know if I can ever go back to freshwater salt is expensive but very rewarding.

Now the reason I am making this thread I am getting ready to move from California to Michigan in April so I will have to tear down the current 55 in march. Due to space limits in the house I am moving into I cannot set up the 4ft long tank again. After talking with the wife and her understanding my love for the hobby I brought up the idea of a 54g corner aquarium. long story short I just bought a 54g corner (has built in overflow) with stand canopy 15g sump return pump and a 2 bulb 24" T5 ballast. The tank will be waiting for me when I get there but now that I have 2 months to plan out what I will be working with I have some questions before I get into those I am taking all of my equipment with me and will be transferring it to the new tank.

Aquatic life edge 36" LED light 3 channel
Wave Point 36" LED
2 24" T5 ballasts
Eshopps PSK 75 protein skimmer
550 GPH return pump
Fluval 110 canister filter
9W all in 0ne submersible US sterilizer
Aquatop MR-20 media reactor (I run chemi pure carbon in the canister so this will be runiing GFO)
2 hydor 450 GPH power heads

My first question is lighting the T5 is built into the canopy I know that the LED lights I have will not be strong enough to grow coral and I have never messed with the T-5 on a salt tank with my freshwater I changed the bulbs yearly. so with that said is the 2 24" T5s strong enough to grow some zoa's mushrooms anenome and maybe a brain coral?

Next and most important I am worried about flow I would think that with the shape of the tank I would be worried about a whirlpool effect I don't think it is worth it to sacrifice my water turnover rate but should I tone it down when the tank is set up my thought is to remove the canister filter from the tank and have it in the pull water from the sump and return it to the sump before it hits the protein skimmer.

Next would be the fish I have always loved my tangs but I don't want to stress any of my fish out in my tanks so is the foot print big enough for a yellow or purple tang to thrive possibly both? out side of that I wanted to have a mated pair of clowns a 6 line wrasse. Diamond Goby and a small school of chromis

As far as a clean up crew I was thinking 10 hermit crabs 1 turbo snail 3 peppermint shrimp and 1 cleaner shrimp the diamond goby with sift the sand for me. any thoughts on this?

To tag along on the flow question with the corner tank I am worried about dead spots in the tank should I aquascape all the way to the glass so the rock is leaning against it or should I make the rock free standing?

I really appreciate the help with these questions as this will be my second more concentrated effort at keeping coral reef tank. ( the first effort with the nano didn't go well)

I look forward to talking with everyone and helping others where I can I hope you enjoy the coming build.
Here is a look at the current system


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I put the media reactor on the 55G today and got my UV sterilizer bulb changed I am hoping to see the alge disappear off of the rock shortly I have been doing the phosphate checks with the seilfert test kit and have been coming in at really close to zero but maybe it will help the tank I am looking forward to seeing the changes.
How are you liking the Aquatop reactor? I've been thinking of picking one up myself for some GFO and eventually maybe bio-pellets.
How are you liking the Aquatop reactor? I've been thinking of picking one up myself for some GFO and eventually maybe bio-pellets.

The reactor has cut down on my alge growth drastically the only issue I have with it is the valve to control the flow is very hard to adjust it seems like you have 2 options full boar or nothing at all other than that once you take the time to find the happy medium I am happy with reactor.
However I don't think that if you want to do bio pellets this would not be the reactor for you it is on the small side and the pump it comes with is not all that strong. I would go with a more heavy duty reactor if I was running bio pellets.

Right now I am running just GFO the tank I pictured is being torn down in 2 weeks so I can move from California to Michigan. when I get there I am building the corner tank that I have there waiting for me. when I get the tank up and running I am going to be running the reactor with a mixture of carbon and GFO at the same time and see how that works out.
I have been MIA the last couple months due to a move and a kitchen remodel on our kitchen. Now that it is all done I can get to the things that I enjoy doing I have started the over haul of the 54 gallon corner tank that was my Craig's list buy from March.

I filled the tank and set it up let it run in my garage for 2 days to check for leaks ( thankfully none were found)

After those two days were done I emptied the tank and took everything apart for a good cleaning the system came with T5 lighting a 7 gallon sump and a Aqua UV sterilizer
I painted the back of the tank a celebration blue that I think looks great!
While the tank was off I started to clean the stand and found that the back was not supported how I would like it. I added 2 1X1's for stability sanded the entire stand and have got the primer on it. The stand will be black gloss just as it was original but I put the moisture resistant primer on it to seal everything up.

I have all of my equipment ready to go in the garage once the stand is painted tmorrow night I am hoping to fill it this weekend and start the set up next week in the house.

I will put some pics of what I have for equipment 500GPH return pump Aqua UV sterilizer, 7gal sump, 2 10K and 2 Anttic ballasts, I plumbed a spectra pure MaxCap RO/DI unit in my basement to make my own RODI water.
Quick update I have the tank filled I am waiting for the cloudiness to go down just the return pump and power heads are running at this time. I only have a 7 gallon sump so I hard lined a check valve in to keep a siphon from stating if power loss occurs. I bought a 150 PSI 3/4in PVC check valve off of amazon (home depot and Lowes only had brass check valves in 3/4) has anyone ever had any trouble with them clogging up or anything?
I did the same thing but have yet to try it out. The guy at the local aquarium build store recommends it on all his builds. I asked about failure and he said he hasn't had a problem. If you shut the return down when you feed every day you will be right there if it fails.

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thank you

thank you

I was planning on doing a monthly test but shutting the pump off when I feed would be a great idea just to get a test everyday and cut down on food waste getting caught in my filter pads down in the sump.

have you known any tanks to put a filter sponge over to of the input PVC ( the siphen line that goes to the sump) in the overflow? it is one thing I was looking at trying
54 Gallon Corner Build with sump

Don't think you would want to do that. To much risk of blocking the flow. Also, depending on how full the sponge is, the flow rate would change and that could mess up your herbie or whatever drain you have

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Finshed the cycle about 3weeks ago added the 2 chocolate clowns yesterday i have some zoas on the way now i ordered the coral off of aquarium depot has anyone on here ordered from them before?
reviving an old thread, if anyone is still around that has custom sump designs for triangle or L shaped sump. Please hit me I'm I'm constructing something. was looking for ideas