60 gal Cube Mixed Reef Build

Napoleon I

Confirmed Addict
Right around 20 years ago I had the aquarium bug bad. What started as one fresh water tank turned into a house full of 20+ salt tanks and a 125 gallon Discus tank. Mostly fish only tanks. I collected Trigger fish and had every kind I came across. This was pre internet so I was limited to LFS within 100 mile circle.
I also had a 10 gallon tank with a HUGE sebea anemone and a couple Tomato clowns. Side note: When I gave up the hobby I gave the large Tomato to an LFS toput into his large display tank. To this day that fish still lives! Well over 20 years old and wild caught.
When I gave up the hobby I knew one day I would setup a reef tank for myself and that day has finally come.
A local LFS went out of business and was clearing everything out at 50% off. I bought a 60 cube, a stand and a light hood with a 150 MH and 2 60 watt power compacts. Also picked up a recirculating skimmer about 24 inches OAL and a 5 inch diameter tube. Grabbed a ph and redox controller and an ozone generator which turned out to be too large and I don't need it anyways.

It took me a while to get the tank setup but I had water in it in a month or two. I started out using 2 ten gallon tanks for a sump with a large siphon connecting them. This turned out to be a huge PITA so I had a new one built at work. It is made out of Polypropylene, 3/8 thick. Dims are 23 x 23 x 16. Just a wide open box all welded construction. We build semiconductor tools where I work and do lots of plastic welding.