What I do not understand is the following:
This is what Tunze says:
Currents are an energy of life in your aquarium. Turbelle Ã"šÃ‚® electronic circulation pumps are controlled electronically. TUNZE Aquarientechnik have developed a large range of control accessories to simulate the various current conditions in the sea.
(A) Wide-spread current - Turbelle Ã"šÃ‚® pumps produce a wide-spread (soft) current.
(B) Wave simulation - The maximum and minimum output as well as the pulse time of the pumps can be set easily ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ separately for the two channels in Multicontroller 7094, and for one channel in Multicontroller 7091.
(C) Foodtimer (7091 + 7094) - The pumps can be switched off by the push of a button. Automatic restart after 8 to 10 minutes.
(D) Operation in night mode - The output of the pumps is reduced during the night. The photo-electric cell 7094.05 required is supplied along with Multicontroller 7094. The photo-electric cell has to be ordered separately for Singlecontroller 7091.
(E) Sequential pump circuit (7094 only) - The pumps are started one after the other, which produces a swelling current. The switching time can be adjusted.
(F) Tide simulation (7094 only) - The pumps are switched on or off alternately. The switching time can be adjusted between 1 minute and 12 hours.
According to Tunze you have all of these functions for the multicontroler and the single controler.
Do the controlers change between (A, B, C) on their own or do you have to do it manually? Is it possible to program the single controler to do 1 hour of A two hours of B, etc.... or do you leave it on A until you later change it to B?
I hope it is clear...
