600g Acrylic reef

Wow, CNC machined aquariums. What will they think of next?? That's gonna be awesome when you get it going!! Gonna keep my eyes on this thread.
well.....my plan is to get it here early November and begin on the stand design at that time. That gives me a few weeks to play with it and get the design just the way I want it.

So you can see whats moving into it....heres some pics of my current 225g:






So as you can see....its definitely time to move up a size....the SPS I have are crowding each other way too much.

Looks good Paul. I'll have to check it out sometime when I'm up in OKC.

I'll contact that LFS to see who they are using, might be an option down the road if it works out for you.


Your current tank looks great, now imagine that times 3!:D

By the way, how long have you had your Clown Tang? It's one of my favorites, but it seems like none of them survives are LFS's long enough to bring one home.


The clown I have had for about a year. he eats really well. Funny story regarding the clown, I had wanted one for a long time and was at the LFS when a delayed shipment arrived. It was over 24hrs in shipping (probably more like 36). As they opened the boxes it was clear there was many DOAs. Well, they pull out a bag with this tang in it....and he swimming around not looking stressed at all. The owner of the LFS knew I wanted one, but thought this one would also die, so she said take it...half normal price, if it does die, ill replace it.

It went into a quarantine tank, no lights, lots of PVC pipe to hide in. Stayed there for 3 weks while I trained it to eat stuff besides nori. Then into my main tank.

It has done fine ever since. Hes definitely growing.

I think the main issue is not keeping them alive, but getting them healthy.

next decision is the stand. Two options: Steel, or wood. Wood I can do myself. Still getting quotes on the steel option. 2 inch steel tube powder coated 12 adjustable feet with a 3/4 inch ply top.
im not too interested in space under the tank, since I dont plan on anything being there. I will skin it identical to a cabinet, from the front anyways.

here is another pic I just received. The top and bottom are on, just waiting on the overflows.


im getting excited.
Yea, you're at the stage I'm at where the tank builder is teasing me with pics. That looks huge!
I would love to see the builder stood next to this, just to get a sense of perspective.

Hopefully it will be at my house in 2 weeks.

I think I am going with a steel stand. Found a local guy who will do the work for me.

Yea, not training as much as I should these days but hope to be back to 2-3 times a day next year. Work so bloody hectic but I need to focus there so I can retire by the time I'm 40 ( :D ). All I want to do is tend to reef tanks, do Aikido and spend time with my kids. :)

Must be awsome to own your own schools. I would go that route if I was back in the UK.
Back in the UK ? Where are you from. I grew up in Nottingham. Where are you now? I have been in OK for 11years.