6025 Propeller Housing Question

Joe LoPresti

New member
Hi Roger!
I have question regarding the propeller housing part on my 6025. The unit in question is a little over 2 years old and within the last month or so, it doesn't seem to be holding together very well. I'm not sure if the problem is with the housing unit or the motor block.
I was looking on the website and I am curious to know if you think that replacing the propeller housing unit will fix the problem. Please let me know what you think!!
As always, thanks for your help and for the awesome product you folks produce!!
It might, but being that old there may be other problems, we made a lot of revisions in 2007 and the Nano Streams weren't really perfect until the last revision in Novemeber 2007. It may be best to send it in and I will get it upgraded to current specs at no charge.
Thanks Roger as always for your response. I really appreciate the effort you folks take to provide to your customers. I sure wish the knuckleheads that worked on my wife's car recently provided the kind of customer service you all provide.
Where do I mail it to?? Will I find the address on the website? I'll get it out to you ASAP and again, thanks for all your help!!
Send it to:

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

Include your return address and phone number in the box.