6045 spinning but not pushing water.


Active member
hey i have a 6045 spinning but not pushing water out,any ideas?? thank you so much in advance
btw i love these pumps!!
Either the prop is spinning backwards which would most likely be caused by calcium build up on the shaft or in the rotor well or the prop is not spinning and the magnet is spinning on its own because the prop has come loose.
try placing your palm in front of the pump, most times this does the trick; if still wont work I've found that a nice vinegar bath is all it takes.
It is spinning backwards, usually this will be because their is a lot of calcium or sand between the drive unit and shaft so it is stuck and cannot change direction.
Clean it! Just take out the prop assembly and soak everything in vinegar and water 50/50. Use a small brush or pipe cleaner to clean the hole in the drive unit.
Roger, i did clean it and it works perfect....again! as always your customer support and input has proved priceless. this alone is enough to make me continue using your products the fact they kick a** is just a bonus. I currently have 2 6000's and a 7094 controller and am tinkering with the idea of updating them to the newer style jsut for the looks really. im also learning how to use the multi controllor but i have NO desire to look at other pumps with the way you conduct business!!
thank you,