6055 ... click click click - ahhhhhh

wolf pup

I have 2 6055's running on an aquasurf with a 6105. One of the 6055's won't stop "clicking" as it pulses (0%-100%). About a year ago it got its disk and prop upgrade and I just bought two new props for it after Rodger mentioned that they do wear out. It gets worse if i clean it and when I put in the new prop it became so loud that I have to change the pulse mode (to 30% to keep the prop spinning). I was getting a really nice 1 1/2" wave but only if I pulse the 6055's If I "twist" the unit in its clip, the clicking will stop for a cycle or two but it quickly returns. It appears to be caused by the prop being pulled "down" into the motor block and slamming against the disk. It doesn't happen with 100% of the pulses but may 4 out of 5 times. I don't know what else to replace to quiet it down and the really weird part is that it is only one of the 2 6055's. BTW the 6105 is pulsing from 0-100% w/o any noise. I have a bit of a motor "hum" from the tank but nothing excessive. Has anyone had a similar issue or can anyone point me in a direction to solve this?
A second disk will probably solve the problem. The disks are like shims and basically shim the permanent magnet into the center of the electromagnetic field and this can vary by a mm or 2 from pump to pump. If you want to send me the pump, I will do whatever is required to solve the problem. I can also send a disk.
I knew you could figure this out in a heartbeat...I sent a pm with an idea and some info. Thanks Roger, you are one of the reasons why Tunze has the great reputation it does.