6055 Voltage


New member
I noticed the yesterday that one of my 6055s was not flowing as it should. I checked the voltage of the input power on the plug that plugs into the power supply and it is 123 volts AC. The output power is only at 9 volts DC irregardless of the voltage chip (lack of better terms) I in plug in. The unit is about one month old.

I can only think of 3 possibilities:

1) The jumpers are not making contact, it is possible to insert them so the pins don't insert into the connector, but they don't line up properly and fall out easily in such a case.

2) The wrong cord is connected, being tested, it sounds silly but I frequently see people mix up the power supply tip from an Osmolator or some other aquarium device with a lower voltage transformer.

3) The power supply is bad or possibly got wet.
The pins are definitely going in, I can see them.
I do not have another Tunze power cord.
Never got wet.
Where do I send it to get it replaced?

Had a power supply that was under warranty go bad. Roger took care of the problem, lightning fast service!!
Thanks Roger!!
