

Premium Member
Ive downside to a 2x2x2 and was wondering,I have a old shroud for my 6055 and 6045 and would it be true if i cut the nozzle shorter it will broaden the flow.The problem is even at 30% it hits the glass to hard.
Not sure if that makes since?
thank you
If you cut the snout shorter the flow will be slightly more diffuse, you could also turn down the power on the transformer to maybe 18V.
thank you so much roger.what do i do with the 6045?I grabed it from a local reefer and he modded it already to perduce more flow.I dont have alot of cash right know so i was hoping cutting it would work until i buy a new shroud.
I am not sure I understand, you would cut the part that protrudes from the exterior of the pump to broaden flow?
sorry roger.what i mean is,,,a buddy gave me a 6045 that he cut the inside of the shroud to add GPH for his 150g.well im using it on my new 60g cube and it to much direct flow at the glass and causes a bad sand storm.what i want to do is cut the outside to broaden the flow hoping it wont kick the sand up to much.Ive also have a 6055 on the 7095 set at 30%80%,inter 2,30 sec..Do you think haveing them both is to much for the SS?
I wouldn't think it would be too much. Have you tried just placing them lower in the tank and angling them upwards? You could run the 6045 on a timer for 15 minute intervals periodically for a surge to kick up detritus if it was too much.