6055's stop working


New member
I have had the 6055's that I bought for about 3 years and they always stop after 1 or more days. I can get them to run but only for at the most a few days. It seems like the propeller is hitting the side of the casing. I have cleaned them many times and still having the problem.

Is it worth sending them in to be looked at or should I just cut my losses and replace them.

It is always going to be cheaper to repair them. I suspect that the shaft is pulled from what you describe. The motor has a fixed metal shaft that the propeller and magnet assembly spins on, if this is not cleaned calcium will cement the prop and magnet to the shaft and then the shaft gets pulled out of the motor. This is not cheap to fix but still half the cost of new 6055's the motor would have to be replaced. It could also be a less expensive problem and in some cases the shaft can be reinserted if this was not going on for a long time where the socket the shaft seats in is excessively damaged.