6060/ multicontroller + other q's

matt the fiddler

New member
i am looking at putting a 6060 or a 6080 on the sps side of my rock loaded 55 gallon... :) a couple quick questions..

i currently have 6 maxijets running on a wave timer .. would arranging these on teh timer to intersect and go against that flow of the tunze be enough to break it up, and get the more turblant, multidirectional flow that i like especially on that side of the tank? or would i just be better to get a 6000 system that has the wave pulsing?

also, it appears that that 6060 and the 6080 are not able to be conected to the single controller- am i right in this? I would so order this tomorow if the 6060 could run on the single controller....

BTW, what are the smallest tanks people have with DSBs and still run the tunze system?
The Streams do not really make much sense on a 55. The beauty of the Stream is a wide flow, 24" wide. The tank is too small to make use of this flow. 58 is OK, 75 is generally the minimum though. You cannot control the 6060 or 6080 and they cannot be used on wavemakers. Honestly for this size I would use the 7300/2. The flow column is about 8" in diameter and after bouncing off the glass the whole aquarium is pretty much covered.
Further question

Further question


I currently have a standard acrylic 75 that has mostly LPS and a few SPS that currently has a Red Sea Wavemaster Pro with 3 MJ 1200's and a center overflow with a t locline return coming from an iwaki 30RLT. I think the tank is lacking in flow or at least as much as I would like. I was kicking around the idea of a Stream rather than the WMP with MJs or possibly sea swirls on another pump.

1. What model of Stream would you recommend? I know that Streams are monsters and no more than one would really be necessary, especially with the returns that I have generating random flow in the center.

2. Would you recommend placement on one end blowing down the length of the tank or in one corner aimed towards the fron glass?

3. Does the stream that you recommend have the pulse option?

Thanks ahead of time.

1 6000 Stream and the single controller would work very well for what you have. This model is electronic and can pulse.