6095 or 6105 for freshwater tank?


New member
I have a 4 x 2 x2 planted tank and want to buy a Tunze wave maker. Only planning to buy one first to see whether it is suited for freshwater tank. Would u recommend 6095 or 6105? Would the current be too strong for fish and stress them out? And would the strong flow lift up debris from substrate and constantly make the tank looks dirty?
The LFS in town set up a plant tank with a wavebox, a 6206 on a 58 gallon. It seemed to keep it fairly clean by keeping things stirred up. I personally would not have done it because I don't think of waves in small rivers and ponds and large lakes which have waves, don't usually have much in the way of plants. Plants seem to mainly grow in spring fed small bodies of water where the incoming spring water has a lot of CO2 dissolved. I will say that they had the nicest looking Madagascar Lace Leaf I had ever seen. I think the key would be to add it and expect it will stir up a lot of debris if it is an older tank, but once this is filtered out, it will stay cleaner as a result of the wave. On the downside, with a lighter substrate like those peat pellets or with a laterite mixed in, it might not work, they were using Flourite and it was rinsed very well. I use the past tense because like most stores they redo the show tanks every few years and the tank is very different now and no longer has the wavebox. I think to summarize, it could be done, it might be just the trick to keep very fine leaf pain in the butt plants like Myrriophyllium and Madagascar Lace Leaf clean, but it could also be a nightmare to establish small plants that tend to float up and it may stir up light substartes or additives like laterite.
Bugger. That doesn't sound like I can use yr amazing product. I want it because it generates flow throughout the whole tank and plants do like some sort of current and good flow can also bring nutrients in the water to them. I use aqua soil and have variety sizes of plants. Can the wave maker set to just generate flow and if I dont use wave making function then it will be ok?
Lastly I didnt realise apart from buying equipments like 6095 and controller I still need to buy a wavebox for the whole system to work?
You could remove the pump from the box and use it on its own, it is essentially just a 6055.

Typically in a reef tank you need a directional current as a base and the wave is added to that, freshwater tanks need a lot less flow, so you could honestly have just the return of a properly sized filter and nothing else, anything is optional and depends on inhabitants. You may want very strong flow for some rapids species, but typically, 3* tank turnover is all you need.
They would probably work well, you would need 2 of them though to cover a tank of that size.