6100.10 stopped, driver is also hot


Active member
I have two 6100.10 running with a long life so far. One failed, so I thought it's life was over. But come to find that (when still plugged in) the blue and silver box is much hotter than the one driving the other (functioning) 6100.10. So I'm hoping that it IS the box (how to be sure?). How do I change just the box (is this the driver ?), since it seems hardwired to the actual pump? And where can i purchase this?

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It is just the box most likely, they are no longer made and the only way to get one is used. I do have a good used one. They are $45 (they were around $120 new when available). If you remove the screws on the side the cover comes off and you unplug the motor inside. I might first confirm the motor is fine on your other working one before ordering a used one.
Yes the box is bad. But now I cant get that alarm to stop. The once stopped pump, now works when i shake it. I had to replace its impeller a while ago, from the black to the blue variety. I had a problem with the new impeller making the alarm go off when I first replaced it, now it's happening again. It just doesnt seem to sit in the chamber and turn as smoothly as its original black one, causing it to cease and alarm to sound.
I already let the impeller sit in vinegar to clean it off, and put vinegar and let sit in the chamber. They are both cleaned out. But still the impeller wants to stop.
The impeller (actually properly the drive) is 6100.700. When it's all the way into the chamber, it's a bit tight, not like the original drive in my other 6100.10, turns with little friction.
What I did just now was to remove the "collar" that inserts into the top of the opening, making the drive snug (in my case a bit tight). So far, the pump is functioning perfectly it seems, and no alarm. I have it attached to its wave controller, so it stops and starts, and does so perfectly.
*So is this actually my solution? I can't see another alternative, especially when this one is good.
*Assuming this fixes the freeze up and alarm:
*How do I get that box you offered? :)
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When you change drive units, it is very important to change all the parts included, especially the bearings. Over the years they fine tuned the fit of these parts as a compromise between low noise (tighter) and less calcium build up (looser) and mismatched parts may be too tight or too loose.

Just call, 512-833-7546
I did use all the parts. I first put the collar in securely, fitting around the rop of the opening. I then put the bearing (the piece that goes onto the bottom of the drive unit) and place the combo in the opening. When the drive sits in the opening with collar around it, there is friction, from it apparently being a bit too tight.
Last night I thought to remove the collar. And the pump functions perfectly, finally. There is no detectable noise, and seems to run smoothly. Is there any reason to "fix" this? Again, I tried using all parts included, and that didn't work.
**Do I call that number to order the "box" part?

Thanks again
Are you sure the old parts were all removed? I would not run it without this collar, I suppose it is always possible that some blem or molding defect is causing the collar to be too tight.

Yes, just call to order the driver.
Yes, all parts removed, and using only parts in driver package. But I found an easy fix. Since the collar is slightly too narrow, I took a pliars and squoze it thinner by a bit around it's circumference. Now it fits with the same give as my other pump.
I know we shipped the driver on Wed, I am sorry but I get a lot of emails and orders, can you PM or email me your name and I will get you the tracking number.