6100 problem


New member
while cleaning a 6100 Tunze pump I found a crack in the plastic in the area where the impeller magnet spins.Will the crack cause the motor block to fail can the crack be repaired with epoxy.
That would be something I have never seen, if it is cracked I would not try to repair it. Are you sure it isn't just scratched? The plastic is fairly thick, their is about 2mm of plastic between the rotor and the motor coil, a scratch, even a relatively deep one, isn't a major cause for concern.
It looks like a slice front to back in the grey color material and I see a darker color material under the grey
On an older 6100 the PU resin behind the plastic shell would be lighter grey, kind of a light green grey. Behind that is an iron donut, usually if you hit that you see rust stains. The 6101 has black PU resin so if it is 6101 it could be darker but my guess is it is just a scratch and the worn surface is lighter than the fresher dark inner material. I have never seen one crack open, but that doesn't mean it is impossible and I am willing to check it out if you send it in.