6100 Series Power Issue


New member
Good Day Roger...hope you're having a great vacation!

I have two 6100 Series Streams hooked to a 7095 Controller; they are several years old now. All of the transformers, drivers, and the controller are wall-mounted in my garage away from my display tank. The units are great and I love the circulation they provide.....however....: One of the circular power transformers recently swelled and leaked a black goo from it...HELP!

Thank you,
Well, truth be told I am doing home repairs- painting- so it is more of something I have to do than would like to do. I have been doing a remodel and the budget fell short so I have to do a few things myself and until I paint they can't install the gutters and I can't move on to the decking. Thanks though!

This would likely mean the driver has failed and caused the power supply to overload/overheat. Send in the complete pump, the 6100 is obsolete but we have every part except motors still in stock, in a worst case if it is the motor you can get a substantial discount on a 6105.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
6100 Series Power Issue

Hey Roger!

The thread below got waylaid thanks to my (now...finally!) ex-wife having sole possesion of the house; I hope you are still willing to assist?

While removing the visually damaged unit, I discovered the heat had damaged the other PS/Driver and the photoelectric sensor from the controller. What I would like to do is send you the entire system to look at and then we can figure out where to go from there. If this is acceptable, I will ship it out this week. (Need the shipping info though)

Just as an FYI, I'm also interested in a couple more pumps to hook to the controller....love your stuff!

/thx -E