6101's on 120g and apex


New member

I have never used tunze before and am setting up a tank. I sort of inherrited a pair of 6101's for a 120DT (4x2x2) My rock work consists of 2 islands with at least 4 inches of space between all glass sides and a small coves in between the islands and my questions are:

1. Where Is a good spot to locate the pumps since they only hang on the tank?

2. Should I run them together or alternating? I want ideally to have 0 deadspots and sort of run a "nutrient export mode" style like you know who...

I would alternate them, 2 at the same time would be a lot for a 120. I am not familiar with the Apex (no first hand experience) so I will outline what I would set on one of our controllers.

I would use Interval mode (Tide mode on 7094). This runs one channel at a time. I would set the Interval to 6 hours which will roughly coincide with the frequency of tide changes.

I would pulse the pump that is on from 30%- to the highest your tank can handle, likely 60-80%.

I would place each in a back corner aimed to hit the front 3 ft away, so almost the opposite diagonal corner. They should be 6-8" from the top of the water.
OK - So if I understand correctly run 1 pump on for 6 hours pulsing it 30% to 80% while the other pump is off for 6 hours? Then at 6 hours switch? How long is each pulse?

That is correct, generally a 3-4 second pulse is the ideal, it is enough time for the pump to fully change speed and short enough to impart just enough turbulence.