6105 flickering


I have 2 Tunze 6105 that have been running for a couple of years. Recently first one and then the other started to "flicker" instead of pumping. I have had them running in alternate wave mode. I can now only get them to work turning them down to minimum and constant operation, and even that is not working at all times. The pumps have been cleaned and soaked.
Whats wrong with them?

Have you removed the propeller and checked that the propeller/magnet is not sticking to the shaft from lime deposits?
Yes, and now I even bought a new propeller 6105.700 but with the same result. The pump will sometimes start and then shut off, or run continuously on 1%. I am running the pumps on a GHL controller. I tried with the Tunze single controller but they wont start with that one.
Have you tried with no controller? If it still does not work with no controller, please contact Tunze in Germany about sending it for repair, they are the service center for all of Europe.
Yes I have tried that as well. I have now contacted Tunze Germany, hope to get the same level service as from you. Thanks Roger.
Update. Problem solved with the help from Tunze Germany. Both of my power supply units were defect! Changed them and they now work like new.