6105 impeller shaft


New member
I have 3 6105's and all of them, the impeller shaft is rusting. I had to clean them up with some sand paper to get the impellers to spin freely. There is actually holes starting into the shaft from corrosion. Was wondering if just the shafts can be replaced or would need the whole impeller assy? I also noticed 1 of them, the magnet on the impeller was starting to look like it is rusting.
The magnet wouldn't rust, but rust can be attracted to it and discolor it. We changed to pure titanium back in August and I can send you a few of the new shafts, but we haven't had any supplies come in since Dec, we are still waiting for our first shipment of the year. If you PM me the address, when I get the shafts, I will send them to you.
Thank you, Pm on it's way.
I noticed down in the motor block where the magnet goes it is discolored like rust aswell, would a good vinegar bath help with removal of the discoloration?