6200 Problems

Hello Roger,

One of my 2 6200's will no longer turn on. Ever since I got it, every now and then, say 1 out of 30 days after the food timer went out, the shiny blue box powering the pump lets out this really, really high pitch beep and does not go away. It would go on and off for periods of time, but eventually come back on.

It did this about 5 times since I got it, (Mid Febuary), usually I unplugged it for an hour or so and it went away after being plugged back in. This last time it did it, it won't start back up at all, and within 10minutes of plugging the pump in after being off all day, the box gets really hot to the touch right away. I'm not sure what to do, and I don't even know if I have the reciept still. Should I send the pump to you or take it back to Preuss' in Haslett, MI? FWIW, these pumps are one of the top investments I've made in water quality in my tank as of yet, hoping to get this taken care of.


I took apart the driver box last nite, wondering if I could fix the problem myself.

One of the FET chips on the side, mounted at a 90degree angle to the main board has completely melted down. I'm pretty sure the board is unsalvageable. The plastic from the FET turned to mush, and there are burn marks on the side of the driver box. I took some pics if you'd like to see it.
Hi, sorry for the late replys I didn't get email notification on these posts. Anyway, send me the pump. My address is

Tunze USA
1304 Monica St
Austin TX 78758

If the transformer is OK you can keep that. The blue box will need to be changed but I want to make sure the motor is good so we don't just fry out the new electronics. Please include the driver box and pump.
I think I may be experiencing a similar problem with my two 6100s. It just started yesterday. I came home from a day in Chicago to find my Tunzes not working. "***," I thought.

So, I took the front off and cleaned the impeller. I also unplugged them for a short period of time. They didn't ever turn back on before I had to leave for work today.

When I came home they still weren't working. Then while working on the aquarium they came on for a short period of time. After a bit the blue box beeped for less then a second and they turned off. They came back on shortly after and then turned off in the same fashion as before. This time they didn't turn back on.

I have a multicontroller hooked up to them. The orange lights are not lit on the controller. The red light still alternates from pump to pump, but the orange lights aren't lit. When the pump came back on the orange lights lit.

What do you think Roger?

One more quick question. Would it be damaging to the pumps to have them on a timer so they are only on during the day? I would like to do this in the future.

Thanx, and sorry for hijacking if that's what I have done
When you cleaned them did you check that the upper bearing was free spinning on the magnet andd the hole in the magnet center was clear of lime and debris? Also check that the transformers are OK, not hot or deformed and the drivers are not hot or totally cold. Beyond this I need them back to check them out, two pumps at once though is pretty unusual you might check them out for water on the controller- see if they run without the controller. Also water on the drivers or plugs.
Well that did it. I unplugged them from the controller and they turned back on immediately. Why didn't I think of that :rolleyes:

Any suggestions on correcting the controller problem? Will I mess something up by unscrewing the back of the controller and checking for corrosion or water damage?

These things blowing full blast could be too much. Would it be damaging for me to put them on a timer that cycles 12 hours on and 12 hours off?

Thanx Roger :thumbsup:
Is this a recent issue with the controllers...I had the same problem, disassembled my controller (looking for dirt, salt creep, corrosion), and found nothing. I'm not sure what the next step...I suppose I should send it into Roger...

I have never seen this problem not be the result of a bad connection, if the cable is loose or got wet this is what causes this problem. Their really is nothing to fix, at least not that I have ever seen. It takes only one grain of salt or drop of water (just a wet finger on the plug) in the right place to cause such a problem and a can of contact cleaner and a can of compressed air will fix it everytime. Sometimes it is necessary to try another cable. All you generally need to do is clean the sockets and plugs so taking it apart is not necessary and this can be complicated. Yes, you can use a timer with 12hr intervals.
Roger, did you get my pump yet?

This has by far been my worst reefkeeping year. In December my silicone blew in the middle of the nite, then my tunze went, now my coralvue ballast won't stay on longer than a couple minutes.
Well, I didn't try the contact cleaner, but the compressed air didn't work. I also tried a spare pair of cables I had lying around. That didn't work either. I guess I'll go to the store and get some Contact cleaner and see what happens.

I attempted to dissassemble the controller. I got the 4 screws out and that was it. There is some sort of connection in the center of the box that is keeping the two halves together. I got scared that I would break something so I just put the screws back in. Is there a trick to gettting the two halves apart?
You have to pry off all the knobs, that is why I don't generlly recommend it as reassembly and lining everything up is quite tricky.

d-town tonty- not yet but from Michigan is 4 business days usually so it has only been 3.
I think so, I repaired aa couple 6200 last week, i need to check the shipping records. One came UPS one came Priority Mail, that is all I remember off the top of my head.
Assuming you are Anthony in Brownstown it went out on the 11th. I couldn't read your last name so it is likely wrong on the box.
Got it today Roger, thanks for the help. Did you change out the circuitboard inside the driverbox?

I'll hook it up hopefully tomorrow if time permits.

thanks again
Sorry to sidetrack, should I've attempted to clean mine and had no luck getting it to work....should I send mine in? What was the problem, if you don't mind me asking?

On the 6200 it is possible for the pump to take enough current to destroy the driver in some instances. We reduced the capacitor size which has the downfall of making the alarm very sensitive but it eliminates the risk of a destroyed driver. Are you sure that all parts of the pump are clean, specifically the upper bearing is not sticking to the magnetic rotor, in the case of a dead driver the pump does nothing at all and usually their is no alarm. If the prop vibrates or you can hear a hum it is likely just dirty.