6205 noise


New member
Will a 6205 stream quiet down once its been in the tank a bit? I put a brand new one from premium aquatics in last night and its a lot louder than my old 6100s (which are nearly dead silent). On the threshhold of too loud for me to use (humming). Will it quiet down significantly once it slimes up a bit? The flow is absolutely excellent, but if it stays this loud I don't know if I'll be keeping it.
I`ve read posts here that says it will go silent in about 2 weeks.
I put in 2*6205 on the 4th of august and mine are still making a lot of that humming noise. (sounds like I`m living on a big diesel engined boat right now..)

Quote from tunze.com:
"Very silent run
Special plastic bearings, a titanium-alloy axle and silicone absorbers enable a very silent run without wear which applies for smaller models as well as for the powerful pump delivering 30,000 l/h. (7,925 USgal./h)."

Lets just hope they will quiet down, the flow of these pumps are just awesome! :-)
I agree 100%. The flow out of this thing makes my 6100s look like minijets. :) Flow wise, its EXACTLY what I needed. Crossing my fingers that it will quiet down.
A lot of the noise on the 6205 and 6305 is due to the strong magnets. If the magnets are on glass that is less than 3/4" thick the rubber bumpons compress and transmit a lot of noise from vibration. In this case the best solution is to put a small rubber pad between the glass and inside magnet.
Most mouse pads are neoprene, most people have a freebie mouse pad from something sitting around. You can buy sheets of silicon rubber at most autoparts stores, it is a red orange color. Cork is also fine.
Hmm, I tried with a neoprene pad on the inside now and it did not change the sound much. tested with running the one with the pad and then turn it off and then run the other without the pad, about the same noise.
Here is a video clip with how it sounds on max flow. (not sure what happened with the sound on the second half of the clip, but that is how I wish it was :)

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ObBW3NZDdTk&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ObBW3NZDdTk&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
Try this test, hold the pump in your hand in the tank, this way you can tell if the noise is from the pump itself or from the holder vibrating.
Ok, I`ve tried to hold it in my hand now and its a lot more quiet now when running full speed. Its still a little bit loud, but I can live with it.
Now, the only problem is that I can`t stand by the aquarium holding them in my hands all day long :-)
Most of the sound is definitely coming from vibrations, do you have any way of fixing this?
Maybe using some silicone inside the clamp?
Are you in Norway? I would call the factory, they have now a silencer magnet holder, it holds the pump on silicon mounts, it is still experimental and it is bigger, about 2cm thicker. Also, they have a shaft that is about .02mm thicker and will help reduce the vibration.
Yep, I`m in Oslo :-)

Thanks for the tip Roger, I`ll try to call them and see if they can ship me some silenced magnet holders :-)
Just a little update.
I received the new prototype tunze pump holders, and they work wonders!
The pumps are now dead silent :-)


On the negative side, tunze charged me for them, which is a bit disappointing considering what the pumps costs and the noise they made even after running in for 7 weeks..