6255 Stream issue.


New member
I made the switch to Tunze's from Vortech's for my current tank, and couldn't be happier with the quality!

I have 2 6255's on my 5ft tank (is definitely overkill), and one of the pumps has had consistent issues freezing since I put it up. I've had to keep on a constant flow due to it freezing when in an on/off mode. The pumps are controlled via an Apex. Just yesterday I have the pump a vinegar bath and checked for an calcification--which there was none. After putting the pump back online, it still struggles on an intermittent setting. Pausing for 10 seconds at times, then resume the on/off. Also, this pump seems to have a more pronounced vibration and a very faint "ticking" sound when the impeller is running. It's a slight plastic sound.

Thanks in advance for the help!!!
Thank you!

I would check the following items.

1) Remove the drive unit and make sure part 3005.740 is present, this is a disk that sits at the bottom of the shaft and from the top down will appear as a black disk with groove cut across it that sits in a blue silicon cup, if this is missing or part of it is missing or it is upside down, it can cause such an issue.

2) When reinserting the drive unit, check if it has a lot of resistance to going down the shaft, no just magnetic resistance but a friction like it is tight on the shaft. The hole in the drive unit is hand finished with a reamer as needed since the shafts and molded hole in the magnet can vary a bit. If it feels tight, you might try swapping between pumps and see if the issue follows the drive unit, it may also be the other pump has a shaft that is a fraction of a mm narrower so the problem is solved just by this.

3) Make sure the potentiometer on the junction box is at 100%, you should never adjust this downward if using a controller, the pump will stall. This adjustment is only for use without a controller.
I examined the pump a little closer this AM. It appears as the shaft the impeller (excuse my wrong termanology) is not sitting centered, and the impeller housing is actually rubbing on one side. Could this friction be causing it to seize when it gets hot?
Another issue coming up, is the clamp for the pump isn't holding securely and the pumps will slip out of place.
-switched the impeller and it solved the intermittent stopping, but the same pump not has a very audible noise.

-the clamp is turned to the side to prevent slipping.
The clamp is flexible and is easily adjusted, just remove it and squeeze in on it and that should tighten it.

It is hard to tell from the video but the noise seems to be due to the front housing not being fully secured so the prop barely touches the housing, it has a card in bike spokes kind of sound. The 6255 front housing is so open it does not have a lot of structural rigidity so it comes loose easier than the housings of the other stream pumps. From what I can see the gap between the motor and housing appears wider at the top, I would make sure this is closed and give it another try.
Almost there. The intermittent issue has been resolved but there is still an audible sound, much like the baseball card in the spoke analogy--this was a favorite past time of mine when I was young.

Comparing the two pumps, the "quetier" pump's housing sits much more snug. I've tried several times now and cannot get the housing to sit any more flush. If I hold the pump during operation, I can get it to silence down to just the vibration. I assume I should order a new housing as a first troubleshoot.
I would not order anything, they have a two year warranty and we will get this resolved at no cost. The last thing I would try is to remove the front housing and much like you did with the clamp, squeeze it down from top to bottom, this will flare out the sides and the goal is to get the tabs to lock tighter.
All, or a combination of your recommendations have SOLVED the issue. Initially, even after bending the housing, there was a slight ticking noise, but it's now gone away. In regards to the clamps for the pumps, should they allow for positioning/angling of the pump, or is there primary purpose to hold the pump in a fixed position. For the time being, they are holding the pump steady , after bending the clamp, but if I tried to even put a slight angle on them they slip out of position.

Thanks again for the incredible customer service and accessibility!
On all the pumps except the 6255 they allow a large degree of movement and angling, but the 6255 output is so wide it greatly restricts the movement and the force of the pump is so great more than a slight angle can dislodge the pump. Some degree of angle is possible but not as much as the smaller models.

While I thank you, I also regret that you had these frustrations.
blakeorme I just searched for "6255" and your thread popped up. How could you put such a powerful pump on such a small tank? Of course, I am just kidding as my tank is a whole 2 inches bigger LOL. I have been eyeballing this pump for a while and couldn't pass up the Black Friday sale so I grabbed a couple. I'll be using them in combination with the Sea Sweep to replace four MP40's.

How do you like the pumps so far and typically, what speed do you use most often?

Thank you in advance for the help.:thumbsup:
I try the 6255 with the sea sweep. At higher speed the vibration was to much which causes alot of noise. I ended going back to having the 6105 with sea sweep.
Thanks for the input Lou. This is not the first time I've heard that. Were you using the "Economy" or the "Deluxe" version of the Sea Sweep? I also read where the Sea Sweep Deluxe model (which is all they sell now) and the 6255 work well together and vibration isn't an issue. Hopefully I will have mine in a couple of weeks or less to test.:D
Thanks for the input Lou. This is not the first time I've heard that. Were you using the "Economy" or the "Deluxe" version of the Sea Sweep? I also read where the Sea Sweep Deluxe model (which is all they sell now) and the 6255 work well together and vibration isn't an issue. Hopefully I will have mine in a couple of weeks or less to test.:D
How did it end up working?
The 6255 was too powerful. I couldn't set it up where I could run the pump at 100% (or even above 50%) successfully. Given the amount of water moved the 6255 is best when mounted traditionally.