7,000 litres Natural reef tank - Thailand

Now in the process of pipework from fish room in the garage to the display tank by the pool.


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Finish putting bulkheads into upper level sump over flow and will try running the sea water between upper and lower sump using a spare pump while waiting to aquascape the display tank.


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Pipework finished ! Now sump and display tank are connected but separated by valves . Next is to aquascape the display tank . Need to put myself in artistic mood before supervising the laying of rocks.


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this is going to be a awesome build definitely going to follow this one fairly new t salt water fish started a 150 gallon tank of my own
Trying to combine philosophy , science and art into creating minimalist rock formation but ended up with 3 piles of rocks :)


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Slow process of aquascaping. We have to stack the rocks so that the height would eventually reach 56 inches and we have to wait for each layer to dry before stack another layer. My calculation , if we stack the rocks everyday then it would take us up to two weeks . We are using dead rocks from my past venture in marine aquarium which was about 15 years ago. But we did give these rocks a thorough wash and left to dry out in the sun for 2 weeks.


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If you wait to assemble all your rockwork outside the tank it will weigh a TON when you try to lift it up into the tank. Better to assemble the rockwork while it is inside the tank.

It's a good idea to dry-assemble the rock outside the tank while you figure out how you want the pieces to go together, but then move the pieces into the tank one at a time for final assembly.

Do you know Chingchai Uekrongtham in Bangkok (user chingchai here on RC)? He introduced this forum to a product called EpoPutty by Alteco for assembling his rockwork.

If you wait to assemble all your rockwork outside the tank it will weigh a TON when you try to lift it up into the tank. Better to assemble the rockwork while it is inside the tank.

It's a good idea to dry-assemble the rock outside the tank while you figure out how you want the pieces to go together, but then move the pieces into the tank one at a time for final assembly.

Do you know Chingchai Uekrongtham in Bangkok (user chingchai here on RC)? He introduced this forum to a product called EpoPutty by Alteco for assembling his rockwork.


Dave , Thanks for your advise. Yes I do know him in cyberspace but not personally. And yes it is a good idea to assemble rocks inside the tank as these rocks are to heavy to be lifted in such a tall tank. I am not using Epoputty but using a special type of cement that will not contaminate the sea water but need to apply when dry and not underwater .