7092 or 7096 for my 2 6055 in 30x30 tank?


Active member
Im just looking to have my leathers and lps sway left to right so im thinking the 7092 might be sufficient but what can the 7096 do, besides storm mode, that the 7092 cant?
7092 only has pulse and wave mode, you can either create a wave or pulse two pumps synchrnously or inversely between two speeds. The 7096 lets you set each pump independently, 7092 you only set 2 speeds so both pumps would be at the same speeds at the same time or opposite times, 7096 you can set two seperate speeds for each pump. 7096 also lets you alternate between pumps so one is off and one is on.
Hmm, choices. So the 7092 would ramp up one pump while the other is slowing down? The pumps don't turn off right? Just slow down to 30%.

EDIT: with the 7096,could i program it to have both pumps ramp inversely but have a second or two where both pumps are at the low setting between the interval? (1-2 seconds where both are at 30% before the next pump ramps up)
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Basically on a 7092 your only option will be one pump is at 30 and one pump is at 100 for example and 2-10 seconds later as you set they switch.

For the 7096 you can set one pump to 40-80 and one to 100-50, the pulse timing is shared by both so they would change speeds at the same interval of 2-10 seconds but you can set the speeds of each pump separately. Additionally you can set it so only one pump is on at a time and after a number of minutes or hours they switch off.
Basically on a 7092 your only option will be one pump is at 30 and one pump is at 100 for example and 2-10 seconds later as you set they switch.

For the 7096 you can set one pump to 40-80 and one to 100-50, the pulse timing is shared by both so they would change speeds at the same interval of 2-10 seconds but you can set the speeds of each pump separately. Additionally you can set it so only one pump is on at a time and after a number of minutes or hours they switch off.

Hi, i have just purchased this controller and for the life of me i can not figure out how to put it into pulse mode only, it seems to be stuck in wave box, its doing my head in, i have 2 x pumps 6055 setup opposite each other , so i connected jumper to number 2 position any help would be greatly appreciated,
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Once you pass 2 seconds in timing it goes to pulse mode, from .30- 2.00 seconds it is in wavemode and advances .01 seconds for every push of the + button, after 2 seconds it switches to pulse mode and advances from 2-10 seconds in 1 second intervals. I would hold down the + button for a while until pulse lights up.
Once you pass 2 seconds in timing it goes to pulse mode, from .30- 2.00 seconds it is in wavemode and advances .01 seconds for every push of the + button, after 2 seconds it switches to pulse mode and advances from 2-10 seconds in 1 second intervals. I would hold down the + button for a while until pulse lights up.

Ok thanks for the info, i have now managed to get it out of wave mode
Best Regards
I have a 7096 that will alternate each pump for about 10 seconds and then they both come on and stays on. I gave up on trying to set it and just threw it in the garage.
I have a 7096 that will alternate each pump for about 10 seconds and then they both come on and stays on. I gave up on trying to set it and just threw it in the garage.

Good grief, why did you do that?

I had 2 7096's that weren't working properly. I don't have money to throw in the trash, so I sent them to Roger.

Both were replaced under warranty, no cost to me.