7095 Multicontroller moonlight not working?


Premium Member

I just received 2x6100's and the 7095 multicontroller and have been using it for a little over 2 weeks. I love the moonlight option but it suddenly stopped working for a few days now. It's done this before and I just push the buttons again and it turns back on. It never goes for a few days straight on. I thought perhaps that the moon cycle thing may have kept the moonlight off for a few days so I didn't worry too much. Last night I saw that it was off again and pushed the buttons but nothing came on :mad: .

Is there something I'm missing or should be doing to rectify this? I have my settings with the pulse setting, 30%-80%, night mode and moonlight. Please advise.


Is it going into night mode- just no moonlight? It isn't a big deal we can repair this easy enough but just let me know if the night mode is indeed working.
How can I be sure it's going into night mode? I figure, I press the button and that should be it :). Seriously, should it be a lot calmer or should the power outage be significantly lower, etc.?


It should stay on the bottom knob settings all night and stop pulsing. Basically this will rule out if the ambient light is causing it or if the photocell is upside down or if it is defective.
I'll check this evening but I think before it went on the fritz that it did not power down to the lower knob during the night mode. I'll confirm this evening and report back in the AM.

I also don't think it's the ambient lighting since I checked in total darkness w/o anything coming on.


Well, the night mode is working as advertised :rolleyes:. So I guess it's a bad moonlight? Please let me know what I need to do next Roger.


Let me order in the spare part and when it arrives well replace the moonlight/photo cell assembly.

Great :D. Where do I go from here? Do I send the unit in or do you send the piece with instructions on how to install it?


It has to be soldered and it isn't the easiest job in the world, please send it in.

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Austin TX 78758