7095 not controlling pair of 6105's

You will generally hear a change in pitch as the speed changes, you should also be able to feel a definite change in the flow if you put your hand in front of the pump. It sounds like these were "upgrade" kits from older 6100's or 6101's as they would include an adapter to fit the older H shaped magnets.
They are this shape:


However, without that magnet mount, as you know. It would appear I have a very cobbled together setup here. In your opinion, would I be better off unloading these and going with a couple 6095's instead?

If so, I would probably also be better off going with the newer 7096 controller than the 7095?
I suppose most of that question comes down to costs, if you can get most of what you have in them back and afford the 6095's, then yes.

7095 vs 7096 really depends on what you want to do. 7096 has more features, but it does require a computer to program, if you are comfortable using a Mac or PC to set up the pumps then it has its advantages with the added wave and storm modes. The 7095 is convenient because you just push the buttons and turn the knobs on the controller and if you can't stand computers, it is probably a better bet.
Well it appears I am getting some flow change on that one 6105 I've been having issues with. I put my hand in front of it and can feel a difference.

I guess it's possible that with the new impeller I just can't hear it ramping up and down....

I might have to try putting the setting to a 30/100 to get the max difference and see if I'm getting the max output.

If a new impeller really makes them that silent I will definitely have to replace the other one.

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It can make a big difference if a drive unit is worn or is older and lacks the new style disk 3005.740.
The older drive unit has black blades as opposed to blue on the new one. That's the only difference I know offhand w/out pulling both to compare.

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Black was pre June 2010, so it would lack the new disk design and the upgraded pure TI shaft.
I will have to look at getting that replaced if things continue working.

Thanks Roger.

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