thanks for your note on the 6205 pump availability. I am now trying to connect the 7096 to my vista computer but it is not finding the device. Are there a series of checks I can go through to connect the 7096?
I have not had the chance to really play withone and have not had the problem but quoting Roger from other posts
" The program only searched up to com port 3. Make sure in your settings that the controller is connected to one of the first 3 com ports and flow control for the port is set to Xon/xoff. "
As Shawn said. I am stranded in Newark, and trying to get by. I am doing what I can from my iPhone. If all goes well I should be in Germany in 24hrs and should have free wifi. I can get a more comprehensive answer then. Keep me posted, but Shawn post is correct
This may also help, some controllers may have an older disk, some minor tweaks were made a couple months after the controller came out, though the website and disk have the same software version number, the website has the latest version.
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