7096 controller issues


New member

I'm having an issue with my 7096 controller and am wondering if someone can help me out. The controller and pumps were purchased new, not second hand. I can connect to, send and receive to the controller with the software no problems, but when I connect the controller to my pumps (1 x 6105 and 1 x 6205) it doesn't seem to control the pumps at all. The green lights on the controller come on and the food timer stops the pumps, but the speed of the pumps stays constant (in relation to where I have the little white dial set to).

I've tried different combinations of settings with the software ('power 1' set at 100, 'power 2' set at 30... 'power 1' set at 30, 'power 2' set at 100... different values for the 'pulse flow'... etc) but to no avail. Am I missing something with either the settings or maybe the physical connections, or do I have a faulty controller?


What do you mean, the little white dial? The speed control knob (white knob on the junction box on the power supply) must be turned all the way up, or the 7096 will not function properly.

The 7096 will control the pump speed, if it does not have full authority over the pump the controller will not work correctly.
By the "little white dial" I mean the white knob on the junction box that you are referring to. I have both knobs turned to maximum, yet the controller doesn't seem to have have any control at all over the pumps, besides the use of the food timer...
Interesting. I had a 7096 recently that did light up, but wouldn't control anything.

I sent it back to Roger for examination, it was still under warranty, so he replaced it for me.
By the "little white dial" I mean the white knob on the junction box that you are referring to. I have both knobs turned to maximum, yet the controller doesn't seem to have have any control at all over the pumps, besides the use of the food timer...
Yes, keep those white dials turned to maximum.

It is very unlikely that you have a faulty controller. First please double check that all of the controller cables are snug at both ends, at the pump junction boxes and at the controller itself. (That the controller is working on Food Timer mode suggests the connections are fine, but that's the easiest variable to eliminate first.)

It sounds like you're using only two controllable pumps, while the 7096 has four channels. Please make sure that you have the pumps connected to the channels corresponding to the channels you're adjusting with the software.

An easy test would be to connect the pumps to channels 3 & 4 (the two furthest right) then check the 'Wavecontroller' box on the software. Then click Start in the Auto Adjust section and see if the pumps begin switching off and on as they should.
Thanks for the reply. I've tried what you suggested and the controller does indeed control the pumps when in 'wave controller' mode with the 'auto adjust' function (whilst the controller is still connected to my laptop). However I still can't get it to control the pumps using 'pulse only' mode. The process I am using is as follows:

1. Connect controller to laptop with usb and open software (all green LEDs light up and "COM12 MC7096 V1.1.0.6 found" is displayed in bottom left corner)

2. Set to 'pulse only' mode

3. Set 'power 1' for all four channels to 100 (have tried different values besides 100)

4. Set 'power 2' for all four sockets to 30 (have tried different values besides 30)

5. Set 'pulse flow' to 1 second (have tried different values)

6. Press 'send to unit' button ("status: OK" displayed in bottom left corner)

7. Disconnect controller from laptop and connect pumps to socket 1 and 2 (ensuring white speed control dial is set to maximum)

After connecting the pumps to the controller, the green LEDs for channels 1 and 2light up, but nothing else happens. Is there something I am failing to do or doing incorrectly?
Thanks for the reply. I've tried what you suggested and the controller does indeed control the pumps when in 'wave controller' mode with the 'auto adjust' function (whilst the controller is still connected to my laptop).
Ok, that's good news; we're on the right track.

The process I am using is as follows:

1. Connect controller to laptop with usb and open software (all green LEDs light up and "COM12 MC7096 V1.1.0.6 found" is displayed in bottom left corner)

2. Set to 'pulse only' mode

3. Set 'power 1' for all four channels to 100 (have tried different values besides 100)

4. Set 'power 2' for all four sockets to 30 (have tried different values besides 30)

5. Set 'pulse flow' to 1 second (have tried different values)

6. Press 'send to unit' button ("status: OK" displayed in bottom left corner)

7. Disconnect controller from laptop and connect pumps to socket 1 and 2 (ensuring white speed control dial is set to maximum)

After connecting the pumps to the controller, the green LEDs for channels 1 and 2light up, but nothing else happens. Is there something I am failing to do or doing incorrectly?

Please connect the pumps to the 7096 before Step 1 above, leave them connected and follow through to Step 7. But keep the pumps connected to the controller from beginning to end.
Ok, that's good news; we're on the right track.

Please connect the pumps to the 7096 before Step 1 above, leave them connected and follow through to Step 7. But keep the pumps connected to the controller from beginning to end.

This seems to have fixed it, thanks for you help