70w 10k MH just shut off - could it be ballast or bulb?


New member
Hey guys, first time poster.

I was just looking at my tank (7g Minibow) and the 70w 10k light actually shut off right when I was looking at it.

I have it set to a timer, from 1pm to 10pm. I didnt hear the click of the timer, so I noticed something was wrong right away.

The ballast is hot, so its getting power...but no juice is getting to the bulb.

The bulb is 10 months old, so it needs to be replaced anyway, but is there anyway I can tell if the bulb blew out?

It couldnt be wiring...nothing was moved. I setup the tank 10 months ago, and havent touched the light, or wiring in the last 10 months...so its not like a wire got loose. I will double check to make sure, but I highly doubt it.

I inspected the bulb (didnt take it out though) and I didnt see any dark/burned spots around the lamp, nothing looks damaged on the inside of the 70w bulb (no connections/wires/lines are broken or brown in color.

Could a bulb just literally shut off like that and stay off? Can it go from burning perfect then all of the sudden just shut off without it dimming at first (noticable dimming), or maybe longer startup time, maybe overheating...I would imagine those were signs of the bulb going.

Any help would be great.

I just dont want to order a new bulb, and swap it out, and I realize it was the ballast all along .

Thanks in advance.


I rewired and recrimped everything...still no action from the ballast or bulb, as a matter of fact. The ballast isnt even getting warm...but I think if the bulb doesnt work, the ballast wont turn on due to its bulb/on-off protection..can someone confirm this?

Will the ballast power on without a bulb connected to it.

I also took out the bulb to inspect it...looks the same as it did when I first put it in 11 months ago. No dark spots, or damaged, or lose components on the inside of the bulb.

My next step is to change the 3 pronged power cord wired from the ballast to the wall outlet, then opening the ballast to see if anything is burnt out or damaged.

Any other suggestions guys. I had to order a 20k 70w MH bulb anyway, but now if it gets delivered, and still doesnt work, i'll have to wait for ballast delivery...which means a good 10 days without light for my tank.

Doug in South Beach, Florida.
FYI: Update. Looking for online information if the ballast will turn on without a bulb connected while waiting for someone to answer my post.
bump since this is on the 4th page already, and my tank is without light. can anyone assist, or perhaps point me in the right direction
it has been almost a year replace the bulb... if the new bulb does not light it may be the ballast. So long as all the wiring is fine it has to be one or the other....
Do you know if the ballast will power on when there is no bulb connected to it? or is it a safety feature on the ballast to auto shut off to it doesnt consume electricity? When i plug the ballast in to the wall, but leave the cables disconnected, its not getting warm, which means it might not be getting power...not sure realy. anyone know?
You don't specify ballast type, which complicates some of the diagnosis, but:

Without a complete circuit, bulb, mine do not get warm or draw power(aromat 70w and icecap 70w).
yep, you are correct. I didnt specify it. Sorry.

It's a 70w aromat electric ballast.

But i'm glad you mentioned the complete circuit...perhaps I still have some luck left when the 20k bulb gets sent to me.
YOu may want to consider keeping a spare bulb on hand seeing that you setup only uses 1 bulb.

Most of use have 2 or more MH bulbs and could limp along for a few days if one went out.
I had a spare bulb, except that one blew out, and I was going to buy a new bulb anyway this month, and use the 10 month old 10k 70w as a spare.

I will soon see which is the problem, the ballast or the bulb...my ballast is still under a year warranty....so it can be replaced, the only problem is that it would be probably 2 weeks before I get a new one directly from the manu.

I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Right now i have the stock lighting on it (15w PC with hood). that will be ok for a few days i'm sure.
aquabuys just overnighted me a 13k aqualine bulb, so we'll see how that goes and I hope the ballast still works.
bulb came in...but still nothing. I'm assuming the ballast is the issue here...

do you guys know of a sure way I can tell if the ballast is working and drawing power, and distributing power?

I even got to the point of touching the 2 wires that are supposed to go to the bulb....didnt get one jolt or zap on the lines.
Ther issue is your ballast. Without some electrical knowledge on your part there is not much else you can do. Buy another ballast or try and getthat fixed if it is under warrenty.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6556467#post6556467 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reemer
can anyone provide any assistance? i feel like i'm talking to myself here :)

Ya, I know the feeling.

Anyway, It sounds like the ballast has failed. It could be several things. A fuse, thermal protector (if equipped), transformer primary or secondary could be open, or a component could have failed somewhere in the ballast.

Your best bet is to send the ballast in for repair. Speak with the company who built it and they may send you a loner while yours is out for repair.

If you dont have any electrical knowledge, it's better that you leave the electrical troubleshooting to the mfgr..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6547970#post6547970 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reemer

I even got to the point of touching the 2 wires that are supposed to go to the bulb....didnt get one jolt or zap on the lines.

:eek: :confused: Don't do that.