75 Gal Stocking Ideas


Hi there, i am running a 75 gal mixed reef. I want to add 4 pajama cardinal or if you have any cool suggestions.

Here is a description of my current setup, and livestock.

Reef octopus skimmer
2x AquaSTAR 165W Dimmable LED
Hydor canister filter up to 90 gal

3/4"-1.5" shallow sand bed
85 pounds live rock
Assorted softies, zoas, palys, torch,LPS

1 crocea clam
2 gbt anemone
5 blue leg hermits
1 scarlet hermits
1 Halloween hermit
3 peppermint shrimp
1 boxer shrimp
1 tiger pistol shrimp
various nerites, ceriths, nassarius and turbo snails

Currently have:
2 platinum clown
1 exquisite wrasse
1 midas blenny
1 ywg
1 scopas tang

Thanks !
I guess you don't have a sump? Running any media, and how are nutrient levels?

I mean it is usually better I think to add cardinals first but your tank seems very peaceful.

As long as you got low or zero nutrients, I'd say go for it.

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Personally I prefer banggais. I also recommend a dottyback or a Gramma basslet. They should be easy.

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I guess you don't have a sump? Running any media, and how are nutrient levels?

I mean it is usually better I think to add cardinals first but your tank seems very peaceful.

As long as you got low or zero nutrients, I'd say go for it.

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Only haVe a phosban. I had a melanurus wrasse for 5 yrs before it passed away. He was a bully. Now there isn't any aggressive fish around I think I might go for some pajamas. I had kept flashers, royal gramma and bangal cardinals before.