75 Gallon stock list approval/Disapproval


New member
Hello everyone new here at reefcentral,

I recently purchased a 48'' x 20'' x 18'' 75 gallon aquarium and I wanted to know your suggestions to my stocklist.
1 Kole tang
1 One spot foxface
2 naked clowns
1 Carberryi anthias
1 Potters angel
3-5 Blue/green Chromis
All bought as juveniles

I would like to keep them all but I know there is tang police, foxface maxes out at 7'', anthias eat frequently and swim a lot, angel may nip corals, and the chromis may dwindle down to just one.
I was thinking on doing a 40b sump/fuge and put half of the 75 lbs of live rock there to give more room to the DT. It would eventually be a mixed reef in the future. Also with a 210g rated skimmer
I would love to hear everyone's suggestions and alternatives.
Hello everyone new here at reefcentral,

I recently purchased a 48'' x 20'' x 18'' 75 gallon aquarium and I wanted to know your suggestions to my stocklist.
1 Kole tang
1 One spot foxface
2 naked clowns
1 Carberryi anthias
1 Potters angel
3-5 Blue/green Chromis
All bought as juveniles

I would like to keep them all but I know there is tang police, foxface maxes out at 7'', anthias eat frequently and swim a lot, angel may nip corals, and the chromis may dwindle down to just one.
I was thinking on doing a 40b sump/fuge and put half of the 75 lbs of live rock there to give more room to the DT. It would eventually be a mixed reef in the future. Also with a 210g rated skimmer
I would love to hear everyone's suggestions and alternatives.

If it were me I would ditch the Foxface as I would consider the Kole Tang and the Potters Angel as the larger 'showfish'. There is also the bioload to consider for when you start adding corals, espesially for SPS as you will want to keep the nitrates down and that might be hard with a big fish like a Foxface thrown in with the others.
In your 75 gallon reef have you experienced with your coral beauty any coral or clam nipping? I'm on the fence with dwarf angels. I might skip them entirely.
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Dwarf angels in general are hit or miss when it comes to coral nipping. Some will nip and others won't. In my experience, I have had a coral beauty nip. They will usually go after polyps first.

I agree to ditch the foxface. Consider stocking lighter if you are going to go hardcore SPS.