AMD:: I had a friend build the stand. He brought it downstairs and set it up for me. He made the top and the bottom, and brought the legs all separately. Since he has a monster tank and did all his own work, I certainly trusted him on this!
The dimensions are 10 ft.x 4 ft. x 30".
thechad:: Well, originally I was going all Hammerheads, but we had pumps from previous purchases so I decided to use them instead of buying more pumps. Currently they are Dolphin, Hammerhead, Barracuda, and Dart. The returns are Marlin and a Dart.
To both chad and savethereef: Yes, I have 4 oceans motions plumbed to the pumps. That video was just turning on the pumps to make sure I didn't have any leaks so far, and also to see what it looks like. We didn't really know what to expect, and when we saw what happened and the waves we were getting, we thought we should document it and throw in the rubber ducky for kicks.
That test was without oceans motions going, and without directed flow. It was just to see how much I got going without the returns.
savethereef:: I wanted some flexibility to change the type of tank I have, so I went with 4 separate loops with the return. I also wanted some redundancy in case something blows, I still have flow somewhere on a circuit. These are not all going on the same circuit.
I want to try a deeper water environment with strong laminar flow. I figure if I want to change it to a full blown reef, then I have the layout already in place and it should be an easy change out. I also was aiming for 60X turnover max. capacity (although I'm not using that currently).
mccliffy:: Thank you so much, that is very nice of you. I hope to try to finish up the returns this weekend. Maybe I will have some time to take pictures of the sump and underneath the tank.
mm949:: Thank you as well. Yes, those waves were unexpected and scary at the same time. I really don't anticipate (nor want) that kind of wavemaking, it's just going to be a whole lot of trouble. I would think the tank would bust out the seams eventually, or I would have some serious flow problems through the overflow.