75g fowlr


New member
what would be the best fish to put in a 75g fowlr? I want to get as many fish as possible for my tank, but i also want the fish to be unique and cool. Any suggestions?

I think it is unique to see a tank housing a single species of fish. A school of lyretail anthias would be really cool. 1 male with a harem of females.
If i got a tank full of anthias, what would be the maximum ammount of them that i could put in? Would i be able then to have some other small peaceful fish too?
I am hesitant to put a number on the anthias harem. It really depends on your tank load, total system volume, your husbandry skills, the actual size of the fish, if you're planning to keep them until they are fully grown, how many other fish you want, etc.

You can safely have 1 male and 5 females in the 75 with a few other small peaceful fish. You can probably have more than that, but it's really hard to say without seeing your setup and knowing what the other fish will be.

A 6-fish lyretail anthias harem with a pair of black ocellaris, a coral beauty angel, and maybe a dottyback or a shrimp goby would be a great display.
IMO a Sailfin tang isn't a good bet in a 75. They do get rather large and need much more room to swim. Most of the dwarf angels would be fine in a 75 as would some of the smaller wrasses. A thornback cowfish (tetrasomus gibbosus) would work well if you wanted something different that would co-exist with anthias.
Black tip reef shark

:D I would get a dwarf lionfish, snowflake eel, powder blue tang, and maybe a school of green chromis.