!80 Gallon Oceanic Tank Entire Reef Set Up


180 gallon (60 x28x24) Prefer to sell complete set up but will part if necessary
1200.00 entire set up
If parting live stock must go first-

Live rock (300+lbs) Fiji, branching tonga, shelf large and small mix
750.00 or 3.00 lbs

Live sand 150 pounds 50.00

Fish -
Large sohol tang - 100.00
Large blue face- 100.00
Flame angel 20.00
Lyretail anthais 2-30.00
large powder blue-40.00
large maroon-15.00
large sailfin (Indian)-50.00
Large Hippo 30.00

3 large Rose Anemone- 40.00 each


Tank/stand 300.00
ETSS 600 skimmer - 200.00
Vortech mp40 - 200.00 with extra wet side and rebuild kit
RO/DI unit- 100gpd w/pump and TDS meter 100.00
2 250w HQI Ice cap/Hamilton combo 125.00 each
Coral vue ice cap 660 T5 ballast x2 100.00

Send pm for pics


If the following fishes available I like to buy it.

Large blue face- 100.00
Flame angel 20.00
Lyretail anthais 2-30.00
large powder blue-40.00
Large Hippo 30.00

Let me know,

IF Available

IF Available

I asid If it's still available. Means for some reason someone back out/fall through.:debi:
OK I guess its time to part out since I haven't gotten definite indications from anyone wanting whole set up.
PM if wanting individual items.