831 Goods


New member
So my mom went out and bought a new camera (nikon D5000)... I'm pumped to say the least.. Here is my very first attempt at using this camera.. So go easy on me these pictures are just raw cropped. I only have iPhoto to edit and I pretty much don't know how to use the camera/editing.. enjoy!










mmmmm your phils is looking nice. I hope mine looks like that one day..

Stoaked on the cam! Keep the shots coming.
ha not yet, soon tho. thats a no namer from atl.. its finally coloring back up.. it gets green with really red tips.. its one of my favorites.

come check out my tank yo!
yeah I know I need to, will do so soon. That coral is an A. sarmentosa and I'd def. like a frag whenever you go to cut it, I had a large colony waaaay back in the day that I lost.

I lost that frag of cali tort you gave kraylen...I guess it didn't like being left in the bag overnight in justin's sump with a strong dosing of interceptor dip lol.
yeah I know I need to, will do so soon. That coral is an A. sarmentosa and I'd def. like a frag whenever you go to cut it, I had a large colony waaaay back in the day that I lost.

I lost that frag of cali tort you gave kraylen...I guess it didn't like being left in the bag overnight in justin's sump with a strong dosing of interceptor dip lol.

jesus.. rip cali tort. no worries tho i still got 6+
I wish I could remember what I got from you, I actually have 2 of the same piece? I thought I gave Myzi the duplicate.
and yeah i should be fragging that A. sarmentosa soon.. its about to grow into the front glass ha

Nice, maybe you can cut me a fresh one when I make it out to see your tank. My lokani is about to do the same, I need to move it back or cut it before it touches, I don't want it puddling all nasty on the front pane of glass.
I wish I could remember what I got from you, I actually have 2 of the same piece? I thought I gave Myzi the duplicate.

the torts were in the same bag. ha but yeah i don't really remember either id have to see them
side note: i need some plugs man, whats up with some ghost chips?
awesome man.. I just got the Nikon 3000 the other night.. I knew I should of got the 5000.. sweet pics man.